Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Defense Chiefs From China And Russia Vow To Strengthen Strategic Ties


Global Times: Chinese, Russian defense ministers hold meeting in Moscow, emphasizing military cooperation, respective core interests 

Close ties, military cooperation, respective core interests emphasized in talks 

The Chinese and Russian defense ministers held an official meeting in Moscow on Tuesday, in which they highlighted the high level of China-Russia military-to-military relations, agreed to deepen military cooperation, and stressed mutual support in respective core interests. 

Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu agreed in the meeting that under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin, the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era between China and Russia has continued to develop at a high level, with the two militaries having closely cooperated and coordinated, fruitful results achieved in many fields, and strategic connotation continuously enriched in the development of the bilateral ties, reads a press release from China's Ministry of National Defense on Tuesday.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This meeting was not done for Putin to point a finger at the U.S. .... Putin met with a sanctioned Xi Jinping aide, a middle finger to the US that could help Russia's invasion of Ukraine (Insider). This China - Russia summit of defense chiefs was to put into action a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination that was agreed upon by both Xi and Putin at their Moscow summit a few weeks ago. 

 Defense Chiefs From China And Russia Vow To Strengthen Strategic Ties 

China's military chief vows to bolster ties with Russia -- AP  

China's defence minister Li Shangfu said Tuesday his trip to Moscow was aimed at demonstrating Beijing's "determination" to strengthen strategic ties with Russia. -- AFP 

China and Russia Defense Ministers Vow to Expand Military Ties -- Bloomberg

Update: The Duran has a good summary on the importance of this meeting (see video below). 


RussInSoCal said...

"A Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination"

/Sounds promising. Sounds like another vague, undefined "Agreed Framework" between two nations who hate each another.

China needs a lot more real estate and Russia is right next door. All China needs to do is convince the Russians to sell them huge tracts of land.



Anonymous said...

Biden’s Black Astronaut Reads Anti-White Poem to Prep for Mission

Anonymous said...

NASA astronaut Victor Glover, recently named as the pilot of the Artemis II mission around the Moon, listens to Gil Scott-Heron’s poem “Whitey on the Moon” twice a week on the way to work.

Anonymous said...

dudes who can hardly walk are now making fun of an astronaut

Anonymous said...

So 919 is okay with racism? So long as the racism is black on white. Good to know hombre.

Anonymous said...

Well "the revolution will not be televised" is a snappy poem--maybe that one is too.

Anonymous said...
not bad.

Anonymous said...

want to talk about racism? compare your
American history: begins with slavery, moves to segregation in the South, then to the segregated military through WWII, and continues with redlining.
How have YOU been impacted by black racism?

Anonymous said...

All theses fools did got together and kicked each others ass

Anonymous said...

Lookout the devil is riding with wind

Anonymous said...

The US Navy was desegregated in the last year of WW2.

The Federal Service was desegregated in the early part of the 20th century. President Wilson literally kicked Blacks out of their jobs in the Federal government.

Jamestown was established before Africans arrived. The first slave owner in America was a Black man.

There is not much difference between slavery and serfdom. When the Russian Revolution happened, the serfs merely got new masters. See the Tambov Rebellion.

Anonymous said...

But diversity makes you stronger right?

That is why the American armed forces in ww2 were such losers right?

Come to think of it, those totally UNDIVERSE armed forces of the Japanese and Germans did not do so bad either until 1943.

How did all that happen?