Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Have The Pentagon Leaks Spell The End For Ukraine?

Consortium News: Leaks Spelling the End for Ukraine  

Leaked U.S. intelligence documents have exposed Western disinformation about Ukraine winning the war. Now the heavy fighting moves to Washington, writes Joe Lauria.  

A Washington Post headline last week was a bombshell for someone who has only been reading about the Ukraine war in The Washington Post and other Western media: “U.S. doubts Ukraine counteroffensive will yield big gains, leaked document says.” 

The story admits that Western media audiences have been misled about the course of the war, that essentially what mainstream media has been reporting about Ukraine has been a pack of lies: namely that Ukraine is winning the war and is poised to launch an offensive that will lead to a final victory. 

Instead, the second paragraph of the piece makes clear the leaked documents show the long-planned Ukrainian offensive will fail miserably — “a marked departure from the Biden administration’s public statements about the vitality of Ukraine’s military.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I do not know if these leaks will end Western support for Ukraine (I doubt it). But these leaks have certainly exposed Western media and government disinformation efforts about Ukraine winning the war.


Anonymous said...

Kind of like this huge Russian winter offensive? Never happened… now Abraham’s and Leopolds are in Ukraine … this offensive will
Soon smash russian lines… u heard it here first ..

Anonymous said...

No how to win ur mind back most don't come back

Anonymous said...

It's called madness or retarded sucker's

Anonymous said...

So these people in offices, they can do Misinformation (straight up lie to us) and not even declare a war through congress - i.e. breaking laws to the highest degree - and they tell you that you are the extremist, while they mass murder, lie, thieve, cause wars, blow up the pipeline completely alienating Germany - costing them about 1 trillion over the next 10 years..

At what point??


I want to know.

And on top, they commit regular corruption, trillions over the years funneled to special interest groups

they destroy the dollar, plunging the US into predictable and deadly chaos


Are we waiting for them to do a sacrifice of a small kid in front of the White House to openly declare they are demons??

They absolutely are and if we do not stop these demons who act on our behalf, we are complicit and deserve to be nuked.


Anonymous said...

Russians getting WW2 T55. Ukrainians getting Abrams.

Donestsk Davushka may have been working for the Russians for several years. Not only will it leave a mark, but it smarts. Washington will not soon forget.

If you make chief early or on time and have 13 years in the military, why would you leave? Maybe they deferred prosecution to avoid embarrassment. Washington is not going anywhere after that.

Anonymous said...

We arrest 11:01

Anonymous said...


The guy at 11:01, is at his cubical at Hanover. He is drinking his coffee and is relooking at his crib notes from his last team meeting, trying to war game his next reply post so it is in sync with today's narrative requirements. T55s? impossible!

According to the narrative from 3 months ago, the Russians had NO tanks in their inventory.

The Abrams are on the ground right now! Along with B-52 Bombers and Seawolf submarines.

tone it back a little 11:01 so you can be believable.

Anonymous said...

Head-On Collision? Leopard-2 Tank ‘Rams Into’ Another MBT; Turret Ripped Out, Tank Damaged

If you're curious what it looks like when a tank drives over another tank during training and literally rips it's turret out:

Polish army officer Piotr Pavelka, who made the claims in his YouTube video, noted, “As for such an accident, well, to be honest, I still can’t remember seeing such inept driving anywhere.”

That guy's gotta already be fired and shipped back to Poland, right? Since when are Polish trainers allowed to make and post youtube videos while on active duty in a warzone??

Hans Persson said...

I'm surprised that people was fooled once again (not really)

Anonymous said...

"Russia pulls mothballed Cold War-era tanks out of deep storage as Ukraine war grinds on"

Tank on tank or IFV on tank, a T-55 is going to get slaughtered.

If Ukraine is conserving on artillery and do not have enough anti-tank weapons, a T-55 can be a game changer for infantry attack.

Tanks primary purpose is infantry support. Their secondary purpose is antitank.

We shall see.

Anonymous said...

Yuri Netkachev, a retired lieutenant general who once commanded a tank battalion, told the Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper that the T-54 and T-55 tanks were "in demand to continue the special operation, because they have a significant ammunition load."