Wednesday, April 19, 2023

EU’s Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell Tells China They Need To Behave

Taipei Times: China’s behavior will affect EU ties, Borrell tells G7 

The relationship between China and Europe would be determined by Beijing’s behavior, including what happens with Taiwan, the EU’s foreign policy chief said yesterday. 

The comments from EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, in a remote address at the start of the meeting of the G7 foreign ministers in Japan, highlighted two of the themes that have come into focus ahead of the three-day gathering: the need for a united approach to China and concerns about Taiwan.  

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WNU Editor: According to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell the current four top EU foreign policy priorities are .... values and rights (whatever that means), economic security (economic sanctions against China), Taiwan (that so happens to be on the otherside of the world), and Ukraine (who is not a member of the EU). 

A prediction. China tunes out when they are being lectured. And they will certainly respond if the EU starts to impose sanctions.


Hans Persson said...

Oh jeez... 🤦

I'm one again sorry world for this embarrassing display of hubris....

Anonymous said...

Now you know how we feel in the values-based US