Wednesday, April 19, 2023

U.S. Warns Russia To Not Touch Sensitive American Technology At The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

A view shows the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in the course of Russia-Ukraine conflict outside Enerhodar in the Zaporizhzhia region, Russian-controlled Ukraine, October 14, 2022. Alexander Ermochenko/Reuters  

CNN: US warns Russia not to touch American nuclear technology at Ukrainian nuclear plant 

The US has sensitive nuclear technology at a nuclear power plant inside Ukraine and is warning Russia not to touch it, according to a letter the US Department of Energy sent to Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy firm Rosatom last month. 

In the letter, which was reviewed by CNN and is dated March 17, 2023, the director of the Energy Department’s Office of Nonproliferation Policy, Andrea Ferkile, tells Rosatom’s director general that the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Enerhodar “contains US-origin nuclear technical data that is export-controlled by the United States Government.” 

Goods, software and technology are subject to US export controls when it is possible for them to be used in a way that undermines US national security interests. 

Read more ....  

Update: 'Do not touch sensitive American technology at Ukrainian nuclear plant': US warns Russia (First Post)  

WNU Editor: The U.S. is very concerned about this tech. Makes me wonder if this was the reason why Ukraine tried to retake the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant last October .... Ukrainian army failed to regain Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in October (Ukrainska Pravda).


Anonymous said...

What can the US do about it? Are they going to bomb a nuke plant? Why even say something like this in the first place? Seems like we are psych prepping the population for a strike on the plant. Such an attack would most certainly be a green light for the use of nukes.

Anonymous said...

maybe they can remotely blast it and use the nuclear fallout as headway for Ukrainian resistance? lol no idea, but at this point I trust the occupiers of the white house to do anything.. literally anything.

Hoping that any day any hour now military holds new elections, because one thing is clear - there is an ongoing coup against the will of the people, and those gangsters, mass murderers and pedophiles are willing to destroy all our cultures, heritage, history, rights, our children even. Our DNA. Every thing.

They are planning to implement a carbon credit system - full on slavery. They must be stopped. New elections with ID and no mail in bullshit and 6feet corona distance rules so you cannot supervise poll workers. Nah nah nah. We will publicly hang you (after a fair trial if you are found guilty) if you try this again. You rotten traitors.

Cooperate a you get minimum sentences.
Keep on what you are doing and it's death either way for you. If you nuke places, whatever, we will come for you.

Anonymous said...

You know we’re in trouble when Russia, through the process of attrition, has become the moral standard for the world to look to. What a mess.

Anonymous said...

lol too true.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very smart of the USA to draw attention to its "tech" they are so concerned about. Now Russia knows what they are not supposed to fuck around with! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Aaporizhzhia NPP was designed and built during the Soviet era to use soviet fuel rods which are of a different length, diameter and makeup than American fuel rods. After the coup in 2014 Poroshenko cancelled that contract with the Russians for fuel rods and awarded it to General Electric in a fairly unconventional deal where GE would also modify the reactors and build adapter frames to hold the non-standard fuel rods. It never fully worked and the makeshift system caused a huge safety scare at the end of 2014 so I imagine the Russians are keen to rip that stuff out and use the normal fuel rods again.