Thursday, April 20, 2023

IMF Says BRICS Set To Surpass G7 In Economic Growth

The Cradle:
BRICS set to surpass G7 in economic growth  

The latest IMF figures reveal that BRICS nations will contribute 32.1 percent to global growth, compared to the G7's 29.9 percent. 

The member states of the BRICS group, which include Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are expected to surpass the US-led G7 states in economic growth expectations, according to a Bloomberg report. 

 Bloomberg estimates that the BRICS nations will contribute 32.1 percent of global growth, compared to the G7’s 29.9 percent, based on the most recent IMF figures. 

According to the Bloomberg analysis, the G7 and BRICS nations each contributed equally to global economic growth in 2020. The western-led bloc’s performance, however, has since declined. The G7 is expected to make up just 27.8 percent of the global economy by 2028, while BRICS will make up 35 percent. 

“In total, 75 percent of global growth is expected to be concentrated in 20 countries and over half in the top four: China, India, the US, and Indonesia. While Group of Seven countries will comprise a smaller share, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and France are seen among the top 10 contributors,” Bloomberg reports.  

Read more .... 

 IMF Says BRICS Set To Surpass G7 In Economic Growth  

BRICS Nations Expected to Outpace G7 Countries in Economic Growth, Reaching Nearly 35% in Five Years -- Watcher.gru  

BRICS Group to Outpace G7's Growth, Reach 35 percent of Global Economy by 2028 -- MENAFN  

China, India to lead global growth over the next five years: IMF report -- Money Control  

China will become the global economy's biggest growth driver in the next 5 years, doubling the US contribution, IMF says -- Business Insider


Anonymous said...

But the US dollar isn’t going anywhere, right guys. Lol

Jac said...

So what? The "BRICS" are mostly emergent countries. We shall see the "huge" effect on the economy.

Anonymous said...

India, China and Russia are “emergent” economies? These countries have the biggest populations on earth, the most resources, the largest militaries and the largest industrial/manufacturing bases in the world, and the bloc is growing. The fact you so easily disregard and write it off only speaks to the western delusion that there is no threat to us and we will always be on top. Your schizophrenic

Anonymous said...

Oh what surprise

Our leaders destroy the US dollar
Our leaders destroy our culture, heritage and history
Our leaders lies us into deadly and costly wars
Our leaders destroy our energy supply line, causing mass inflation

And now our leaders tell us through the IMF

"oh my god, the brics countries are surpassing us"

jesus, what a surprise

to fix this:

1. Arrest them.
2. Trial them.
3. Hang those found guilty publicly as a means to clearly communicate this sort of mega corruption destroying entire generations is over
4. Make it a public day and teach it in all schools what they tried to do, how they went about it, how the media helped them.
5. Burry the guilty in shallow graves and let children pee on them.

Complete destruction of them, because that's what they have in plan for us.