Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Is President Biden Preparing To Give Up On Ukraine?

Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine after the US President made an unannounced visit to Kyiv on Monday. Image Credit: Reuters  

Moon of Alabama: Biden Prepares To Give Up On Ukraine 

The much ballyhooed Ukrainian 'counteroffensive' is destined to fail its purpose of severing Russia's supply line to Crimea and to liberate 'occupied territory'. The Biden administration has finally recognized this and is out to lower expectations and to preemptively blame everyone but itself. 

The first to be briefed was Politico:  

  Biden’s team fears the aftermath of a failed Ukrainian counteroffensive  

  Behind closed doors, the administration worries about what Ukraine can accomplish. 

The New York Times joined in:  

  Ukraine’s Spring Offensive Comes With Immense Stakes for Future of the War  

  Without a decisive victory, Western support for Ukraine could weaken, and Kyiv could come under increasing pressure to enter serious peace talks to end or freeze the conflict.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I do not see the Biden administration giving up on Ukraine. Ukraine is not Afghanistan. 

A Ukraine defeat would be a geopolitical disaster for the U.S. many multiples than the fall of Kabul to the Taliban. This is definitely not a legacy that President Biden and his supporters want to be remembered for, and will do everything in their power to avoid it.


Anonymous said...

Yes... but defeat is likely so why bring the rest of us down with you?

Bigus Macus said...

As Gonzalo Lira said in his last post, there is no Ukraine left. The country is a shell of its former self and its people are scattered. Watch

Anonymous said...

Trump will not continue down this path - almost ALL of his voting base is against this war. It will come to an end in 2024 latest and Russia knows this.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a non starter. get over it. He lost lost lost and will lose again, while in jail.

Anonymous said...


you are an idiot, he may or may not get to run. And if gets to run, he may or may not lose.

But one thing is for sure....he will not be going to jail. All this "trump to court" stuff is bullshit. It is a "throw crap against a wall and see what sticks" ploy.

If you cannot see that, you really are a deluded idiot.

They do not want him in Jail, you fool. All they want to do is keep him from running.

The Blob at its best. A bunch of plotting , scheming, immoral, sociopath jerks

Anonymous said...


Ron said...

"A Ukraine defeat would be a geopolitical disaster for the U.S." Not for the U.S., but for the global elite. Us regular Americans will do fine whenever TPTB quit stealing from us as they worry about Europe's millennial conflicts. I plagiarize of course, our founding fathers said as much.

Anonymous said...

If Ukraine is a shell of its formers self, Russia must be made likewise

K said...

Forget about Ukraine let's focus on us! This tit for tat crap is old!

Anonymous said...

Any conquest of a state is a launchpad to another state adjacent to it. If the aggressor instead wants to aggress in a different direction the newly conquered territory adds to it industrial might.

K, I would ask you to look at the Czechoslovakian tanks that Hitler used to conquer France, the Czech tanks were better than the bulk of German tanks.

"After the takeover of Czechoslovakia, Germany ordered continued production of the model as it was considered an excellent tank, especially compared to the Panzer I and Panzer II that were the Panzerwaffe's main tanks at the outset of World War II"

Ukraine is America's front line. A smooth move would have been for Russia to join NATO. It would have given Russia all sorts of leverage. But the Kremlin is dumb and so is much of official Washington. God forbid that retired General Michael Flynn or the Green Party candidate socialize with Moscow elite. Peace might break out.

But we have almost the worst of all possible worlds. Russia must be defeated and a the uniparty at the polls.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you did not mention what manufacturer did you? What was the name of that Czech industrial company again? Yea, the one that built cars and then tanks. For the life of me, I just cannot seem to remember!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

Any conquest of a state is a launchpad to another state adjacent to it. If the aggressor instead wants to aggress in a different direction the newly conquered territory adds to it industrial might.

Playin too many WW2 video games.

Anonymous said...

You are correct.
Some of these guys just turn a blind eye to facts and put on thier Russia is trying to recreate the USSR or a new conquering empire.hat and do not think and more.

That is ok if you believe Hillary or any of the other blobbers.
But The facts do not support it.

If that were true, Georgia , Armenia and Azerbaijan would all be Russian vassel states and Moldavia would have had its own Russian madan in the Transniester.
But these ukie rah rahs do not want to face that. All they want to do is spew the BLOB narrative propaganda to justify the larger narrative that Russia is evil and therefore the West is good. They do not understand this whole line of thinking is a ploy to add legitimacy and give underpinnings to the lbgtq123 progressive liberal cultural ideology movement ie wokeism that now holds the West enslaved.

But the sad truth is that it is the other way around. You do not see the gay flag flying from Russian embassies or Russian schools teaching that white people are evil