Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Leak Intelligence Documents Reveal The U.S. Spied On U.N. Secretary-General Guterres


US News and World Report: U.S. Spied on U.N. Secretary-General Guterres, Leaked Documents Show 

The chief diplomat has become only the latest target of U.S. intelligence operations, according to highly classified documents – part of the wide-ranging Discord leaks.

The U.S. spied on U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, listening in on conversations he had with aides and other diplomatic officials about his frustrations toward Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other contentious issues, according to highly classified leaked documents – the latest in a massive and apparently ongoing national security breach. 

The Washington Post first reported late Monday on two new documents that appear to confirm the U.S. invasion of Guterres’ private communications, piling on to similar revelations last week. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Leaked documents reveal U.S. eavesdropped on U.N. Secretary General (Washington Post)  

Update #2: U.S. spied on UN Secretary General (The Hill)  

WNU Editor: The U.S. believes U.N. Secretary-General Guterres is too close to Moscow .... US thinks UN chief too accommodating to Moscow, leaked files suggest (BBC). 

Update #3: The UN has responded .... UN voices 'concern' that US tapping its communications (CNA/AFP). More here .... UN Expresses Concern to US Over Spying Reports (VOA), and here .... United Nations issues rare rebuke of United States over leaked documents (CNN).


Anonymous said...

UN General Secretary is an @ss. He needs to solve mass rape in Congo by UN troops and other problems than worrying about the US spying on Britain. He does not GaF about Britain. He brings it up only to try to hurt the US.

Everyone spies on Everyone in world. Singling out the Us to the exclusion of others jgives away your motive.

Guterres should be de-monetized along with the rest of the UN.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall seeing the UN involved at any level regarding peace between KSA/Iran/Yemen/Syria/Turkey. What is there even to spy on?

Hans Persson said...

Good luck trying not to be spied on today 🤣

If you have a cellphone you're screwed whatever you do and today you can't even pay bills without a smartphone. So.. yeah.

Anonymous said...

"US document says UN secretary general accommodated Russia during Black Sea grain deal negotiations, according to a news report."

"Leaked Pentagon files indicate the United States was monitoring United Nations chief Antonio Guterres because it believed he was too soft on Russia after its invasion of Ukraine."

Un General secretary is not a real job. If it were there would be visceral competition for it. People from a super power or one of their major allies cannot be secretary. Therefore a UN secretary can virtue signal all they want and there are no bad consequences.

UN does peacekeeping mostly in smaller conflicts involving the 3rd world.

Take Africa. Would want UN peace keepers or African Union peacekeepers. I would want AU peacekeepers. The African countries have skin in the game because the peacekeeping is done in nations adjacent to them or not too far away. I am starting to expect more professionalism from African Peacekeepers than UN ones. I would expect the Indian or Nepal peacekeepers to be good.

I have not been impressed by UN peace keeping in Lebanon, Congo or the Spanish Sahara.

Decades ago when the Irish (UN) peacekeepers were attacked ay Jadotville, the UN and Irish government hung them out to dry. That was a long time ago, but has anything changed since then?

Anonymous said...

My major issue with the UN? Members get too many nice parking spots close to their HQ