Sunday, April 9, 2023

Leaked US Intelligence Documents Say Israeli Spy Chiefs Urged Protests Against Netanyahu's Judicial Reforms

Israel's Mossad chief David Barnea (C) attends an honour guard ceremony for Israel's incoming military chief, at the Israeli Defence Ministry in Tel Aviv, on 16 January 2023 (AFP)

Middle East Eye: US leaked documents allege Mossad urged protests against Netanyahu's reforms  

Israel vehemently denies reports which suggest that Washington spied on its ally 

Leaked US intelligence documents allege that the Israeli spy body Mossad secretly encouraged people to join protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's proposed judicial overhaul. 

The documents, dating back to "early to mid-February", state that Mossad's leadership had "advocated for Mossad officials and Israeli citizens to protest the new Israeli government's proposed judicial reforms including several explicit calls to action that decried the Israeli government". 

The intelligence memo does not state who made the order to encourage Mossad employees and civilians to join the protests but notes that the intelligence came from signals intelligence - meaning the US spied on its closest ally in the region. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Israeli spy chiefs led secret revolt against Netanyahu overhaul plans, leaked documents say -- Washington Post  

Update #2: Leaked US documents allege Mossad encouraged anti-govt protests in Israel -- Business Standard  

WNU Editor: The Israeli Prime minister's office is denying these reports .... Netanyahu's office denies reports that Mossad encouraged protests (i24 News). More here .... Mossad rejects claims it influenced Israeli judicial reform protests (Jerusalem Post).


Anonymous said...

Israel is a perfectly functioning apartheid state.

They're doing great.

Anonymous said...

What interest me with this post is that any number of countries seem to have intel and other agencies that, working in secrecy, often want or at least seem to do things that are contrary to what their leaders are doing. Is that an example of deep states?

Anonymous said...

It’s a good example of just how dysfunctional the west is becoming. From what I’ve been reading and watching, these leaked documents seem legit. Ukraine will be out any real air defence missiles next month. Russian airforce will wrap things up in double quick time.

Anonymous said...

sure. and they were to wrap things up in one month after the invasion!

Anonymous said...

According to US intelligence. That explains everything. You don’t eliminate a well equipped, well funded nearly million man defence force in a week or a month. You seemed to have gobbled that up though, hook, line and sinker.