Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Leaked U.S. Intelligence Documents Say China Is Readying A Supersonic Spy Drone Unit

The leaked Pentagon document showed the positioning of the drones  

Washington Post: China readies supersonic spy drone unit, leaked document says 

The Chinese military could soon deploy a high-altitude spy drone that travels at least three times the speed of sound, according to a leaked U.S. military assessment, a development that would dramatically strengthen China’s ability to conduct surveillance operations. 

A secret document from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which has not previously been reported, shows the Chinese military is making technological advances that could help it target American warships around Taiwan and military bases in the region. 

The document features satellite imagery dated Aug. 9 that shows two WZ-8 rocket-propelled reconnaissance drones at an air base in eastern China, about 350 miles inland from Shanghai. The drones are a cutting-edge surveillance system that could help China gather real-time mapping data to inform strategy or carry out missile strikes in a future conflict.  

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WNU Editor:  According to these documents the focus of this Chinese supersonic spy drone unit will be on Taiwan and the U.S. military ....China readies its supersonic spy drones: Beijing moves high-altitude aircraft that travel at 'three times speed of sound' to east of the country - in threat to US warships around Taiwan, leaked Pentagon docs show (Daily Mail). 

Leaked U.S. Intelligence Documents Say China Is Readying A Supersonic Spy Drone Unit  

 Leaked US assessment says China readying supersonic spy drone unit - Washington Post -- Reuters 

China preparing supersonic spy drone unit, leaked US military assessment reportedly says -- FOX News  

Leaked documents show China's plans for supersonic spy drone: report -- Business Insider  

'China readying supersonic spy drone unit that travels three times the speed of sound', leaked document says -- Free Press Journal


Anonymous said...

Why would they supersonic spy technology? Balloons seem to have worked just fine.

Anonymous said...

American weather balloons no less.

Hans Persson said...

What? American? What have I missed!? 😂

Anonymous said...

Suggest then that US navy stay the fuck away from China's coast.

Anonymous said...


Hans Persson said...

Imagine just looking excitingly on the new cool balloon you just successfully launched and then watching a F-35 blow it up with a missile..


Anonymous said...

Kinda makes for a good story/bragging rights

Hans Persson said...

But who would even believe you? 🤣