Wednesday, April 19, 2023

President Biden To Choose The Next Pentagon Leaders This Year

Politico: Joint Chiefs shuffle: Biden’s top contenders to replace Trump’s military leaders  

Besides the chair, the Pentagon could also see new leaders for the Army, Navy, Marines and possibly the Air Force this year. 

Donald Trump handpicked the nation’s top military brass while he was in office. Now it’s Joe Biden’s turn. 

As many as five members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the eight most senior uniformed leaders who advise the president on military issues, are scheduled to leave their assignments this year. Besides the Joint Chiefs chair, the heads of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and potentially the Air Force are all set to leave. Three of the military’s top operational commanders are changing over as well: The heads of Northern Command, Space Command and Cyber Command. 

The vacancies give President Biden a chance to put his stamp on the Joint Chiefs as the administration looks to take big steps to counter Chinese aggression in the Pacific, chart a new course in Europe after the Ukraine invasion and dump old weapons systems to make room for new ones.  

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WNU Editor: President Trump's appointees were a disappointment. Could President Biden's appointees be worse? You tell me.


Anonymous said...

Lol WNU. IDK the answer but I know Biden will pick some nasty piece of shit warmongering lowlife yes-man (and/or -woman) who will meet or exceed expectations of grandosity and delusion.

Anonymous said...

1:04. Is 90% correct. probably LBGTQ oriented.

It is a strategic imperative, you know.

Anonymous said...

why do losers here, like Trump, always whine like babies?
get over it. Trump lost. Winners always replace previous people. If yu miss
Trump, move to Florida and kneel before
DeSantis or visit Trump when he is in jail.

Anonymous said...

Fluoridation of our waters and ice cream parlors will cause him to pick Nicholas Maduro.

I am not a crackpot.

Anonymous said...

a crackpot is always the last to know he is a crackpot

Anonymous said...

These guys were morons. It'll be worse. This is what the military produces today. Incompetents. We do know he or she or a he/she will be some useless equal opportunity equity promotion.

Anonymous said...

RuPaul will be the next chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dylan Mulvaney will be put in command of special operations & beer grenades. When Russia destroys Europe's critical infrastructure they'll be in for a hand bagging... Keep ducking.....

Anonymous said...

why not sign up and show us the right way to do things because you know for sure

Anonymous said...

Whoever he chooses (actually whoever his puppet masters choose) at the top of the list should be 'Woke'. Very important box to check off

Anonymous said...

Trumps appointees were either working against him or got neutered by the same forces that sabotaged himself. Bidens appointees will be on the same team as himself. That's the difference.

Anonymous said...

Badrr, his most important non-judicial appt. He was neutered by and for Trump