Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Report Says Russia Has A Plan To Sabotage European Wind Farms, Gas Pipelines, And Internet Cables

Russian Navy research vessel "Admiral Vladimirsky" outside St.Petersburg, Russia in July 2020. The ship is now accused of spying for Russia. Alexei Druzhinin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP  

Insider: Russia has a plan to sabotage European wind farms, gas pipelines, and internet cables, report say 

* Russia has been using ships to spy in Nordic waters, a joint investigation by four countries' public broadcasters found. 

* They are collecting intel on wind farms, gas pipelines, and power and internet cables, report said. 

* Norway's NRK reported at least 50 Russian ships gathered intelligence there in the last ten years. 

Russia is surveying the North Sea to find possible targets that could sabotage the energy infrastructure of Nordic countries, according to a new investigation. 

Targets include wind farms, gas pipelines, and power and internet cables, a joint-report by public broadcasters in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway found. Sources told Finland's YLE, Sweden's SVT, Denmark's DR, and Norway's NRK that Russia is using civilian and military ships to scan the bottom of the sea near the four countries. 

The outlets also tracked dozens of Russian research and fishing ships, and reported that they regularly went key energy infrastructure.  

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Report Says Russia Has A Plan To Sabotage European Wind Farms, Gas Pipelines, And Internet Cables  

Nordic news outlets: Russian yachts, cargo ships spy at sea -- AP  

Fleet of Russian spy ships has been gathering intelligence in Nordic waters, investigation finds -- CNN  

Russian spy network operating in North Sea, investigation claims -- The Guardian  

Nordic news outlets: Russian yachts, cargo ships spy at sea -- Seattle Times  

Russian spy ships in plot to sabotage Europe's energy -- The Telegraph  

Russia is using 'ghost' spy ships off UK coast to map out North Sea wind farms for sabotage attacks -- Daily Mail  

Russia uses civilian boats to spy in the North Sea, joint report says --


Anonymous said...

there are two types of plans:
1. our plan will go into effect asap
2. our plan will be used if we have a war with NATO nations.

Charles Atlas said...

From fishing boats drifting off the northern coast of Norway to an “underwater research” ship touring wind farms east of Britain, Russia appears to be using ostensibly civilian vessels to map potential targets for a similar operation in future.
Shadow War, a joint documentary series by four public broadcasters, has identified 50 suspected Russian “spy ships” prowling through Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and British waters.
The ships often switch off their automatic identification system (AIS) transponders, rendering them invisible to conventional ship-tracking services and meaning their whereabouts must be monitored through other techniques such as sonar, satellite imagery or patrol boats.

Anonymous said...

What goes around comes around eh folks? Considering Germany just shuttered it’s last three nuclear power plants for only god knows why, Europe is quickly devolving back to a middle age style of living. Good on them. Serves them right for supporting so much war and destruction over the centuries. BTW can’t get Russian alcohol here in Alberta anymore. Fucking woke commies.

Anonymous said...

real men drink Jack Daniels

Anonymous said...

And I can’t wait until Jack identifies as a woman. That comment isn’t going to age well at all lol

Anonymous said...

Jack/Jac=gender neutral
pick one and now you are all set (above)