Monday, April 10, 2023

Russia Is Jamming The Drones That Ukraine Is Using

Ukrainian servicemen of the 63rd brigade operate a drone to locate the target for an artillery strike. Photograph: Jelle Krings/The Guardian 

The Guardian: ‘They’re starting to die’: fears Ukraine’s drone supremacy may soon be over  

Frontline drone operators say Russia is close to countering their most popular models – setting off a race to find replacements 

Crouching in a freezing basement or risking it all on top of a nine-storey building, the drone squads in the war zone of Bakhmut are ubiquitous. Some are forced to lurk a few hundred metres from, or even on, the frontline. Without them, Ukraine’s efforts to hold on to the embattled city would be much harder, perhaps impossible. 

But the concern for Ukraine, according to three frontline drone operators deployed in the city over the winter, is that the Russians are close to countering the most popular models in operation, those made by the Chinese manufacturer DJI. “They’re adept and they are manufacturing these special jamming systems,” said Yaroslav, 31. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: There are limits to drone warfare if you have a limited number of drones .... Ukraine has exposed the limits of drone warfare (The Spectator).


Anonymous said...

Easy prediction, Ukraine will continue using drones and target open russian tank hatches while it still can upload in tiktok

Anonymous said...

Fighting a war on tiktok now so we can fight a war against tiktok later.

Hans Persson said...

And someone here thought that the Russians were clearly loosing because their EW stuff got blown away 😂

Anonymous said...

Notice that WNU aka Tobias Tischbier has an article about Russia jamming Ukrainain drones. He does not have an article about Ukraine jamming Russian drones.


We have seen this movie before. Has Mr. Tischbier religiously year after year has posts on American military base count. Does he have one for the Chinese or Russians? Consider that the Us has twice the population of Russia and more interests overseas. The US has legal immigrants from countries all over the world. Does Russia? If there is a coup in West Africa, how many Us citizens does that affect? Ho2 many Russian citizens?

Look at the Tongo Tongo Ambush. American troops were operating in Niger. 11 Us troops were working with. 35 local Nigerien troops. So there is a base in Niger.

OMG there is a "base" in Niger!. WTF is a base? It is about the size of a combat outpost (COP). Seriously, there should be definitions for base as opposed to station, activity or other designation. Bases are like divisions. A division has all the organic elements of armor, artillery, combat engineering, and support to sustain itself, smaller elements do not, the same is true of a base.

Mr. Tishbier runs the yearly American base count propaganda religiously almost as if he pulled the lever for the donkey every year.


Mr Tishbier religiously reports that Russia is jamming Ukrainian drones. Does he report Ukraine jamming Russian drones. How about Ukraine shooting down Russian drones? Hear much about the Iranian shaheeed drones lately or the bombing of the Ukrainian electrical system? Yeah that was about as effective as the WW2 Ploesti raid.

Note Hans that Russia has more than 1 EW unit. Russia has lots of EW units and lots are being destroyed. So it is more a matter of what percentage of units has been destroyed, what the trends is and where the destroyed units are located.

If Hans does not like the explanation do not worry. BLOBBER the troll will be on shortly to try to dump cold water on my comment. It is what he is paid to do.

Hans Persson said...

That was a very long analysis of something i just thought were funny, because this is propaganda 101.

Hans Persson said...

First of all, i usually never bother reading the articles, only if i care, because whatever you and i do, the message from the topic never translate down to the article.

The Russian propaganda has always been that the "US" wants to ruin Europe with high energy costs. 90% you read about that subject is Russian propaganda.
This article is a Russian plant.

Guess what the west subjects are?

Hans Persson said...
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Hans Persson said...

And I'm amused that this diplomat wnu editor take these baits 🤙

Anonymous said...


Yea Baby , I am here for you Skoda!!
Nice rant up there.

Things getting boring in the cubical today?

Well good validation of your job title. Senior Blog Misdirection Manager.

This thread is about Russian EW efforts against Ukie drones. Not US bases overseas, not your opinion of the editor and certainly not about US immigration problems.

Get Focused Skods.

You are not making any points here.

Have a great DAY!!

And Now ladies and gentlemen, back to our program:

Russian EW efforts against Ukie drones

Hans Persson said...

I kinda like this anon

Anonymous said...

Two very valuable assets- a Russian R-934BMV UHF jammer and R-330ZH Zhitel jamming and radio reconnaissance station- were destroyed by the Ukrainian 92nd Mechanized and 40th Artillery Brigades using GMLRS in Pokrovske, #Luhansk Oblast.