Sunday, April 2, 2023

Russian Journalist Says North Korea Is Preparing To Send 50,000 Soldiers To Ukraine

EurAsian Times: 50,000 North Korean Commandos Prepare To Join Russia’s Special Military Ops In Ukraine – Military Correspondent 

North Korea is preparing to send 500,000 soldiers from its armed forces on combat missions in support of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, a Russian state TV war correspondent has claimed. 

In his youtube video, Aleksander Sladkov, a seasoned Russian journalist specializing in military affairs, claimed that North Korea is firmly aligned with Russia in the ongoing conflict. 

He further added that Pyongyang is willing to contribute to the effort by dispatching its troops to take part in the special military operation – a term commonly used by Moscow instead of referring to the conflict as a war with Ukraine.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: North Korea Preparing To Send 50,000 Troops For Russia's Aid Amid Ukraine War: Report (ABP)  

Update #2: North Korea seeks ‘volunteers’ to join Russian army amid Ukraine war: Report (Hindustan Times)  

WNU Editor: I doubt this is going to happen.


Anonymous said...

Why you doubt?

Anonymous said...

Good opportunity to gain some battlefield experience. Why not?

Anonymous said...

Sure they are....

Anonymous said...

I’d bet they’d be more hindrance than help.

Anonymous said...

You do not know what you are dealing with here.

Traditionaly these people have been both savage and brutal on the battlefield.

But on the other side , it would be a perfect opportunity for a commoner to escape that prison of country.

Anonymous said...

Maybe as observers? To get an idea of offensive logistics and the like?

I can't see what 50k NK troops (who are unfamiliar with the environment and who don't speak the language) are going to provide that can't already be done by the 600-700k Russian reserves twiddling their thumbs right now behind Wagner waiting for the thaw.

Maybe noone told Kim that the USSR is dead and he thinks he still has a historical debt to pay back.

As is always the case with this Sladkov fellow, when he's up near the frontline reporting on movements he's 10/10. His record is a lot more hit or miss, however, when he's passing along some "exciting" rumors that some 'connected individual' told him.

Anonymous said...

Both the south and North Koreans are some of the toughest people you will ever meet.

In combat, they are ferocious and determined.
Example: in Vietnam the SK Tiger and Whitehorse divisions had a 10 to 1 kill ratio. The highest in the history of that war. In the last 20 years the SK army has become more lenient and less tough. But the NK army? I do not think they have changed much since 1952. It is a highly disciplined and brutal organization.

You want to see human wave attacks? You will probably see some if these guys enter the fight. And God pity the unit who lets thier defense line break and let these NKs get in.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The NK soldiers are poorly equipped, well underfed, broken in mind and spirit. They might fight had out of fear and desperation, but they won’t fight well .

Anonymous said...


Yes that's the standard western narrative about the NK army. They have been saying that for over 30 years. Is it to be believed? That is the question. Will they fight. I think so. Why?

Because that place has NO and I mean NO incoming alternate news sources. The only thing they know is what they have been taught since they were in diapers. They will fight. And if history is any crystal ball to the future, their tactics may suck, but what they lack in tactics they will probably make up in fanaticism. As far as equipment. Standard fair, what they lack, The Russians will probably supply. Food, they will probably live better and eat better than any time in their lives.

But If they really knew the truth, they would surrender in mass and become Ukie POWs. I do not think the Uks will send them back to NK. They will probably end up in the. US as refugees.

But that won't happen. These guys are 90% brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

If it happens it means world war.

Anonymous said...

They can send the whole Army of china is numbers with out any combat experience just like the people who make this news ,people who make money from fake news and war they have especial spot in hell .

Anonymous said...

10:08 YES! NK is more akin to a giant CULT than to a nation in the modern sense of the term.

Ron said...

I wish there were leaders who would try and stop this madness in Ukraine. Not holding my breath. That being said, it would be interesting to see if NK army is real or a joke. commenters in this thread have taken both sides of the issue. I suspect they would travel by train and bring their own tanks, arty vehicles ect. Maybe WNU is wrong and we may find out.

I joined the Corp. one month before Saigon fell. Anybody who was a lance corporal or above in my grunt units were Vietnam vets. I heard "stories" of the Republic of Korea, (ROK) Marines. the jarheads telling the stories said they were respected but brutal to the civilian population. I did conduct a training operation with the ROK Marines in south korea in '76. I didn't have any contact with them. Anyways, if this has to happen, it will be instructive.
There was an incident in '76 at the DMZ between north and South Korea where two army officers went into the neutral area and cut down a tree that was blocking their view. 30 some odd NK came out with machetes and chopped them to death. We were in Okinawa in the field training and got the call. after about 12 hours we were all packed up and sitting on the tarmac waiting for a ride to Korea. 12 more hours of sitting on our gear on the tarmac and we were ordered to stand down. Jimmy Carter was the president at the time. Anyhow, that's all intel I have on the Koreas.

I imagine the north Koreans, being godless, will act like a godless hoard.

fazman said...

No interoperability experience, a hinderence

Anonymous said...