Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Russian President Putin's Popularity In The U.S. Has Reached Its Highest Point Since 2020

Newsweek: Putin's Popularity Reaches Record High in the U.S.—Poll 

Russian President Vladimir Putin's popularity in the United States has reached its highest point since 2020, years before his troops invaded Ukraine, according to new data. 

The Kremlin leader's popularity among Americans, as of the first quarter of 2023, stands at 21 percent, according to pollster YouGov. In the first quarter of 2021, Putin's popularity hovered at 15 percent, and shortly after Russia began the war with Ukraine, it was registered at 17 percent. 

Moscow's troops crossing into Ukraine in February 2022 was met with condemnation from Western countries, including the U.S. At the time, President Joe Biden said the Kremlin had "chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering."  

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WNU Editor: The shocking thing about this poll is that 37% of Millennials have a popular view of Russian President Putin. Details on the YouGov poll is here (link here).


Anonymous said...

I have no comment at this time

Anonymous said...

The man rides bears shirtless, talk about a man’s man

Hans Persson said...

Yes. Of course.

What we have learned these past years is to take polls seriously as a consumer. 🤦

As a provider on the other hand...

Anonymous said...

He could run as Trump VP

Anonymous said...

What's shocking about it?

It's GOOD that they don't blindly follow along in a war with a nuclear super power ESPECIALLY if it looks like we, the west, kept expanding nato further and further, breaking our promise not to do so.

Our leaders - those who support this expansion of NATO to the borders of Russia - should be rejected for breaking their word, it makes us look so bad around the World.

Also, they are clearly not good at diplomacy either. Decades of unnecessary animosity towards the East. Putin = Evil, or else! No debate is being had. And we are supposed to trust our intel services, who spy AND conspire actively against us?

The support for this war needs to be stopped, Biden arrested, and likely many more.

Anonymous said...

the right in this nation has become fascist nutters and the mainstream GOP, in the past known as a moderate group, fails to speak up and thus allows the thugs to take over. We see the results by simply watching DeSantis and his cultural war in Florida. The results, it seems, will cost the GOP election victories at the national level.

Anonymous said...

What’s funny is that you don’t realize that the same people you hate so much here are the same kinds of people that you support in Ukraine lol

Anonymous said...

Another try hard effort by looser putter fans

Hans Persson said...

No, listen, the story here is who did this poll and the people behind it.

Anonymous said...

In related news, IQs in America have dropped precipitously. Result: Biden reelected.