Thursday, April 13, 2023

Should America Go To War Over Semiconductor Chips?

Zero Hedge: Spilling American Blood & Treasure For Semiconductor Chips 

The below is an incredibly revealing interview clip featuring Republican Representative from Texas Michael McCaul. In the exchange with Chuck Todd of NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, McCaul bluntly states (or perhaps inadvertently admits) that he's willing to go to war with China over Taiwan based on protecting the world's semiconductor supply. Importantly, he is the powerful chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. 

"Make the basic case for why Americans not only should care about what happens in Taiwan, but should be willing to spill American blood and treasure to defend Taiwan," Todd asked at the outset of the interview. Rep. McCaul responded immediately that "no one wants that" and this it's about "deterrence".  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: If the above comments my the House Foreign Affairs Chairman is any indication, the answer is yes, Washington believes that American blood should be spilled for semiconductor chips.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

another texas misfit.he alone will not, can not, get us into a war. it takes a bit more, ie congress or the president etc

Anonymous said...

Going to war over Taiwan is about MUCH more than just semiconductors.

Anonymous said...

go to war over potato chips?

Hans Persson said...

Good thing they are building those factories in the "US", after that they don't have to bother about those semiconductors... Or will they care anyway? 😉

Anonymous said...

I here they are going to bring back US Steel and Peabody coal....But don't hold your breath

Anonymous said...

the good news?
Trump will have his court trials in 3 different venues so you can pick and choose for your summer outings