Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Ukraine President Zelensky In Poland For Talks On The War


The Hill: Zelensky makes first formal visit to Poland amid Russian invasion  

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday traveled to Poland, marking his first formal visit to Warsaw since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine last February. 

“A meeting of neighbors, a meeting of allies, a meeting of partners, a meeting of friends,” Zelensky said in a Telegram post, accompanied by a photo of the Ukrainian president shaking hands with Polish President Andrzej Duda. “For the sake of our nations. For their future.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: A lot of speculation floating around on this visit. My gut tells me that Zelensky traveled to Warsaw to engage in talks on the upcoming spring offensive, and Poland's growing role in the Russia - Ukraine war. Because of the sensitivity of these discussions, the decision was made to have face to face talks to avoid any possibility of Russia intercepting their communications. 

But in this backdrop of these discussions, there are growing problems in the Polish - Ukraine relationship .... Zelenskyy’s Warsaw visit overshadowed by political blowup (Politico). 

Ukraine President Zelensky In Poland For Talks On The War  

Zelenskyy visit tightens bonds with Poland amid Russian war -- AP  

'Historic strength': Ukraine's Zelenskiy hails ties as Poland vows further support -- Reuters

'You stood with us shoulder to shoulder': Zelensky visits key ally Poland -- CNN  

Key ally Poland pledges backing for Kyiv NATO bid -- France 24  

Poland calls for NATO to give Ukraine security guarantees as Zelensky makes first Warsaw visit during war -- Notes From Poland


Anonymous said...

one word


Anonymous said...

cute an opk learned Esperanto

Anonymous said...


Now be nice. I know you like using your new word "opk". Does that translate into Skoda in Esperanto?

But that does not mean it always applies to very situation.

Anonymous said...

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s state visit Wednesday to Warsaw blew up into a political crisis when Poland’s agriculture minister quit on the same day over his inability to cut the amount of Ukrainian agricultural products flooding into the country."

It is important, but it is not going to derail the alliance. The OPKS must be defeated.

They should ship some of that Ukrainian food to the US. It would fight against the Biden inflation. Triplw win.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s state visit Wednesday to Warsaw blew up into a political crisis when Poland’s agriculture minister quit on the same day over his inability to cut the amount of Ukrainian agricultural products flooding into the country."

YES HE Did the right thing. Polish Farmers are going to get crushed by this.

The polish president put the Ukrainians before his own people.

It is important, but it is not going to derail the alliance. The OPKS must be defeated.

The Ukies and fanatics like you deserve to lose. Push your broken crap all over the world. stay at home and feed your own people. Every one in Ukraine has enough bread?

They should ship some of that Ukrainian food to the US. It would fight against the Biden inflation. Triplw win.

Yes and screw our farmers over too. What a great idea.

Anonymous said...

Soros spelled backward is Soros-is there some conspiracy behind this masked man?

Anonymous said...

Do not try to apply your work skills as "Junior blog misdirection agent, GS 4". This is not about Soros,(the Monster). this is about the pollack and ukie relations.

BTW they really do not like one another ever since Uncle Joe Stalin took away Galacia and gave it the the Ukraine after WWII.

Anonymous said...

"Yes and screw our farmers over too. "

You have not kept up have you. Farmers are like coal miners. When it comes to livestock there are fewer and fewer farmers. There are growers and they are under the thumb of corporations.

I wish it were not so, because in the 80s, people could hustle, buy some hogs and bootstrap themselves from lower class to middle class.

Not many farmers but a lot of corporations. Also seeing as yo are not an engineer of scientists you forgot your orders of magnitude. You're just as f$cking dumb as a journalist. GTF out of here.

You are no Li Bing,, Since Russian and china are good buddies again you should take a vacation to Sichuan for sightseeing and edification. Maybe then you would not be such a m0r0n and we could let you back into the parlor.

Anonymous said...


You are a jerk and know very little of economics.

Imports lower the prices national made goods because there is a greater supply of the product which the local farmer will receive for his product.

Who gets the money for the import? a foreign nation. Not the local farmer.

Who gets hurt when prices for thier goods go down? The local or Business farmer. Either way, The money spent on imported grain means one less dollar in the American farmers pocket.

Keep on trying there, GS 4

Anonymous said...

#Fail Russian tr0ll misspells Polack. Polish is a West Slavic language, but that is no excuse for a East Slavic speaker like our dear troll to get it wrong.

Anonymous said...

Like your analogy of coalminers and farmers. Done with your CRT presentation and back on shift?

you got a uniform to go with that nose ring and pink hair GS4?

Anonymous said...

I have little to say on the actual topic except I'm deeply embarrassed for this guy fighting imaginary russian cyber agents every day.

Anonymous said...

that is skoda and his buddy Mr fair and balanced.

they get paid to say crazy stuff, that no one believes

Anonymous said...

Last farmer in the family retired in the aughts. I also had a coworker, who worked at a growing operation. They hated it. Seen documentaries too.

A professional Russian tr0ll ought to be given 2 to 4 hours a day to watch docs. maybe then you would be more effective. Right now you just plain suck. Maybe that is how you hang onto your job. You suck. Do you use copious amounts of vodka to wash away the taste and the memory?

Anonymous said...


once again skoda,

your post makes no sense.

no logical flow of thought, nor coherent formulation of your ideas.

you are going to be demoted to GS3 if your handlers see this.

Anonymous said...

Very simple to sum up. I know something about American farming from experience and from various media. that is what I said.

I also extended an olive branch to you and suggested you would be better at trolling, if you did some OJT and watched some docs. You rejected the olive branch out of hand. So an objective observer must conclude you are a inveterate c*cksucker.

Anonymous said...


Thank you Mr fair and balanced.

I can always tell when you have entered the conversation. Your sarcasm is weak and your demeanor is vulgar.

I see you are at your desk today. Are you ever going to answer the 5 questions?

Sigh, probably not. Facing the truth is not a progressive trait. Once again you all choose the easy wrong vs the hard right , because it does not fit your narrative.

But enough of that and back to my main point.

You still not have answered the main point of the economics of farming. I will give you a hint. It is not abut how your family went out of business/retired or whether your erstwhile co worker liked his job or not.

It is about economics . NOT just the economics of farming.

Its about imports and the effect those imports have on your economy or a sector of the economy. In this case it is Agriculture.

Bottom line, when you import goods or services into your economy it is a net loss for your economy because that money goes back overseas. You want to hurt American farmers by importing UKie wheat? Well, say so and do not try to lie about it or obscure the issue with crap.

BTW tell Chris we said hi.

Anonymous said...

And you still have not answered the order of magnitude problem. you really ought to get to Sichuan. Get away from work. Your jaw could use the vacation.

Anonymous said...


that was not the main issue.

That was only your issue. You brought into the conversation.

imports drain the economy. That is the main issue. And in doing so will hurt growers in you native country. What are you? Some kind of commie or something? You like the Ukies better than your own people?

So who is going to get the money in the Ukraine? Probably the Ukie government and thier big farmers.

Sorry, I would rather see it going to American farmers, Small or large. Why? Those farms still impact local economies. Fertilizer tools, admin help, Grain storage facilities , grain elevators, rail and truck transport. It all helps out when you buy American.

But you progressives don't care about that do you? You think the guiding principle of life is. " as long as I am not affected". A selfish, impolite people.

But.!! Since your knowledge of economics is limited, maybe you could answer the 5 questions now.

Anonymous said...

Yep. 405 and 432. Skoda and Mr fair and balanced went into hiding again. Cowardly little munchkins they are.

Cannot handle the truth and full of hate.

Gents, Whenever you all grow some guts, The questions will always be waiting.

You all enjoy your cubical and don't forget your CaC card when you leave.

as always, tell Chris we say hello.

Anonymous said...

Nobody mentioned the vast among of poles want to ship grain to Ukraine if it means it will help them defeat Russia. Simply because if Ukraine is defeated by Russia Poland will be next( maybe Lithuania)… so grain doesn’t seem so bad’

Anonymous said...

Uh huh, and if we stop stealing the oil in Syria then Assad will invade Italy..

Anonymous said...

Repost after deletion by unknown party

Kurds In Syria Share Oil With Government As Part Of A Deal

Anonymous said...

how is your sister?

fazman said...

Exactly, the polish govt said so themselves . Ukraine must prevail at all costs .