Thursday, April 20, 2023

U.S. Positioning Troops For Possible Evacuation Of American Embassy In Sudan


CNN: US deploying ‘additional capabilities’ near Sudan to assist with potential embassy evacuation 

The US military is deploying “additional capabilities” nearby Sudan to secure the US embassy in the country and assist with a potential evacuation, if the situation calls for it, the Defense Department announced on Thursday. 

That includes hundreds of Marines who are already in Camp Lemmonier in Djibouti, a US defense official told CNN, with aircraft capable of bringing in ground units to secure an embassy. 

“The Department of Defense, through U.S. Africa Command, is monitoring the situation in Sudan and conducting prudent planning for various contingencies,” a statement from Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Phil Ventura said. “As part of this, we are deploying additional capabilities nearby in the region for contingency purposes related to securing and potentially facilitating the departure of U.S. Embassy personnel from Sudan, if circumstances require it.”  

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WNU Editor: This evacuation is probably going to happen in the coming days. 

U.S. Positioning Troops For Possible Evacuation Of American Embassy In Sudan  

U.S. Positioning Troops for Evacuation of American Embassy in Sudan -- New York Times  

US forces sent to Djibouti to prep for possible Sudan evacuation -- ABC News  

U.S. positioning troops ahead of possible Sudan embassy evacuation -- Politico  

1 American dead in Sudan as U.S. readies troops for potential embassy evacuation amid heavy fighting -- CBS 

US troops are moving into position for a possible embassy evacuation mission amid intense fighting in Sudan -- Business Insider


Jac said...

Oh! The Biden administration is discovering what it was doing wrong in Afghanistan...and correct it 2 years latter?

Anonymous said...

We have an Embassy there?