Wednesday, May 17, 2023

African Leaders To Present Peace Plan To Putin And Zelensky


DW: African leaders to present peace plan to Putin and Zelenskyy 

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts have agreed to consider an African peace plan to end the war in Ukraine. 

A delegation of African heads of state will travel to Russia and Ukraine "as soon as possible" to help end Russia's war in Ukraine, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said Tuesday. 

He had held separate phone calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who agreed to host the African leaders in Moscow and Kyiv to discuss a potential peace plan for the conflict.  

Read more ....  

Update: Putin, Zelenskyy agree to meet with ‘African leaders peace mission,’ says South Africa president (AP)  

WNU Editor: I am not optimistic on these talks.


Anonymous said...

It would have been cool of Kenya had proposed this. It would have been cool, if Ethiopia had until they decided they wanted to commit genocide against Tigray province. South Africa proposing anything is not so cool.

I concur with WNU. This proposal will go nowhere.

O/T America is not in a civil war. It is in a World War. Ballistic missile are flying. Moves have been made to impeach Mayorkas and Merrick. Papers have been filed to remove Santos and Schiff. Corey bush is calling for reparations.

While I don't particularly like Majorie Green or Bobert, being brash and having sharp elbows is what it is going to take. Romney types with their feeble push back while on all fours, is not going to cut it.

In the comments over at TWZ, someone linked an article about the longest shutdown. It was under Trump and is was to get him to not start building the wall.

There needs to be a civil war of of epic world war dimensions.

Anonymous said...

How do destroy a missile defense that is repairable?

Anonymous said...

It's a none starter, the US will reject this peace plan.

Anonymous said...

Russia still the one holding the trigger.

Anonymous said...

African shitholes are now peace envoys? Why not. It's an alice in wonderland world after all

Anonymous said...

Well better the africans than no one.

How do you destroy missile defense system that reparable?

By bombing it. again, again and again and again. repeating as needed. But keep pressure up and don't let them breath.

Then the system needs repaired. again again and again until they run out of parts or usable platforms.

Also, But more often or not, you do not need a direct hit. Just close enough.

Those systems are state of the art and very sophisticated. A close hit, not to mention a direct one, and the whole thing is totaled and becomes a hanger queen to be canibilized. for what you have left. Wash and repeat until they are all gone.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny, isn't it once a missile defence system got hit by another missile it would have become a junk and irrepairable? LOL you are so funny, I like your sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

yes it would if you have an unlimited supply of ada systems and the repair crews to fix them. And these crews are not a dime a dozen they are highly trained specialist.

Try to educate folks on this blog but some are dummer than dirt.

you just get out of a mental ward?

Anonymous said...

If anyone would be qualified to propose a peace plan, it would be "African leaders", right? ;-)

Anonymous said...

8:00 and 12:12 if it got hit it will be junk and unusable. If you cant make that up, you might have a conclusion judgement