Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Russian Oil Exports Hit Post-Invasion High

Fuga Bluemarine crude oil tanker lies at anchor near the terminal Kozmino in Nakhodka Bay near the port city of Nakhodka, Russia, Dec. 4, 2022. (Reuters Photo)  

Moscow Times/AFP: Russian Oil Exports Hit Post-Invasion High – IEA 

Russia's oil exports rose in April to the highest level since its invasion of Ukraine, boosting revenues by $1.7 billion despite Western sanctions, the International Energy Agency said Tuesday. 

The Paris-based organization said Russian exports increased by 50,000 barrels per day to 8.3 million bpd last month, estimating that the country did not fully deliver on a threat to cut production sharply.

"Indeed, Russia may be boosting volumes to make up for lost revenue," the IEA said in its monthly oil market report. The country's oil export revenues rose by $1.7 billion to $15 billion in April. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: So much for sanctions. 

Russian Oil Exports Hit Post-Invasion High  

Russia is exporting the most oil since invading Ukraine as Moscow has little trouble finding willing buyers, IEA says -- Insider  

Russian oil exports hit post-invasion high: IEA -- Daily Sabah

Russia’s Crude Oil Exports By Sea Continue To Climb --


Anonymous said...


So quantity is up? And?

Many Russian customers are getting steep discounts.

if thigs were so good why is the Russian fleet a rust bucket, mobiks not being paid in too many vases and T-55's on the battlefield?

Anonymous said...

The price is 50% higher than the attempted price cap that the state dept would have been satisfied with.

Anonymous said...

What is the west paying to destroy one of those cheap old T-55’s? Do the math and you’ll see the economics are justified. And what is a T-55 relative to a modern T-90M? Both are mobile cannons that can easily be destroyed from top attack weapons, which is responsible for much of the Russian armour being taken out. As long as modern gun sights are equipped, they will be just as effective. The AK-47 is still one the most used firearms in the world and they’ve been around just as long. Old doesn’t necessarily mean ineffective.

Anonymous said...

6:19= idiot

Maybe they are giving it to ST Judes. Who the hell knows.

It is not the main point anyway, you nut.

The main point is that the sanctions did not work. The best and brightest are idiots and the ruble did not go to rubble.

You anti Russian guys have Russia bad derangement syndrome.

Stop being a knee jerk reaction guy and put your thinking cap on.

Anonymous said...

7:02 PM
right. everything is great in Russia and that is no one wants to leave and business same as always

Anonymous said...

No knuckle head. Everything is not great in Russia.

How I the hell did you come up with that idea. But what is going on is that the sanctions did not work as expected. the Russian economy was not destroyed as they planned and life goes on.

Anonymous said...

Because we lack a lot of real data, it is hard to determine how well the Russian economy and government finances are doing. But unlike what WNU Editor tries to tell us, what little evidence we have doesn't look good for Moscow.

Revenue is one thing, but what is actually important to the Russian war effort is income (revenue minus expenses). And since the Russian government own figures show an increase in oil and gas revenue, but a decline in oil and gas income for the first quarter of 2023, it seems to me that sanctions are indeed working. The lower price Russia must give for its oil, and its production and transportation costs are cancelling each other out. It'll be interesting to see what is reported for second quarter. Russian oil and gas income might continue to decrease.

If you look at the economy itself, satellite data from the European Space Agency is seeing less industrial pollution in Russia. The logical conclusion is that the Russian economy is producing less. It is very likely Russia has been in recession and its industrial output is continuing to decline. Russian government is also reporting lower income tax revenue. So we have supporting data that point to an ongoing economic decline in Russia. If Putin mobilizes more men for the army and takes them out of the workforce, that will accelerate.

Javelins or NLAWS aren't needed to destroy T-55s. Old RPG-7s can do the same. Since Russia can't seem to produce new tanks, only modernize old ones, some of those modernized T-55s can probably survive a RPG-7. But I bet there are still plenty of older weapons that can destroy them. Even the Leopard 1 tanks can probably take a modernized T-55 out. You won't even need the Leopard 2s. I think even the Bradley and Marder IFVs have a good chance at destroying a modernized T-55 (the Bradleys destroyed Iraqi T-55s during the first Gulf War). Plus a dead tank crew is a dead tank crew. Even though a T-55 crew won't need as much training as a newer tank would need, that's still several months of training for the crew. No army can simply sacrifice those without thought.

And if someone thinks a T-55 with an upgraded gun sight is "just as effective" as a modern tank, he may want to learn more about the topic. T-55s have a smaller gun, a lower rate of fire, and their turrets turn slower. Even modernized they'll have less armor. T-55s are considered obsolete for a reason. Russian tank losses will substantially increase once they are put on the front.

The Ukrainians will probably go on the offensive in the next 2-4 weeks depending on the weather. By August, everyone will know how successful (or not) it'll be. All we're doing now is speculating, and speculating mostly by what each side wants to see happen rather than actual data. As for me, I am still cautiously (and moderately) optimistic. I think the Ukrainians will make operationally significant gains, but don't know how extensive. Time will tell.


Anonymous said...

If the Ukrainians get 1/2 way or a 3rd of the way to the coast, all Russian military assets will be under the gun.

the supply trucks ... everything.

Anonymous said...

Some things take, you know, more than a year or two to have a cumulative effect. Wouldn't expect the average McAmerican mind to understand this, which has come to expect things RIGHT NOW. The Soviet Union took 70 years to finally run out of steam.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The problem is that a lot of guys think that a mini daily occurrence is going to some how change "everything". Or they willfully ignore long term trends because it goes against "their side" or their tinpot ideology.

5 planes get shot down and it is the end of the Russian empire or oil production is up but it does not mean anything, because .....we say so and we insist the Russians will lose, because we want that.

Like little kids crying because they did not get the toy they wanted or their bed time story did not end the way they wanted.

This war will end when the west wants it to . That means they quit suppling the Ukrainians

Or the Russians say they have had enough.

For the Russians that mean they use nukes, or fully invade. I cannot see them giving up. Aint going to happen, this is their Mexico. And they are also right in another respect. The progressive west wants their traditional culture dead. With that much riding on the scales, I could not see any nation, in the same situation, giving up.

neither side has reached a culminating point yet. Certainly not the ruskies whose economy basically remains untouched, by war destruction or economic destruction.

For the Ukrainians they will continue to die for the LBGTQ cause.

Phazman II said...

The Nord Stream Explosions New Revelations About Motive, Means, and Opportunity

Anonymous said...

All the tankers in that photo are riding high meaning they were empty.

Anonymous said...

The Soviets ran out of steam in 20 to 30 years. WW2 gave them a shot in the arm as did oil exports in the 60s and gas exports in the 80s.

without exporting to Europe in the 60s Russia would have been moribund much sooner. Russians are still flying planes based on US WW2 tech. Sad.

Anonymous said...

and what has any of that got to do with the economy of modern day Russia?
Your connection here is really weak. Russia is Not the USSR. nor are the economies the same.

The America tech is still good? do the airplanes still fly? And the problem is? If it works, it works. You seem to think that because it is a copy it is a failure. Do we not use Taiwanese micro chips., Are we a failure?

Your logic sucks.

So lets see

Are people working? yes

Is there plenty of food in the stores? yes

Is there plenty of gas at the pump? yes

Do they have homeless druggies or starving people in the street? no

and your point is.

Bottom line: Russia is not perfect, but its economy is doing just fine. And that is under the strain of war and sanctions. Pretty good... and you have to give the devil his due.

Use your common sense for once and your critical thinking skills. And do yourself a favor, Take your face away from that ideological gas pipe you have been huffing on. It really is like wokeism, that rots the brain.