Friday, May 19, 2023

Another 'Senior' Moment For President Biden In Japan

WHERE DO WE STAND? President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden (center) try to figure out which marking on the floor to stand on as they pose for a picture with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida (left) and his wife, Yuko Kishida (right) 

Daily Mail: Lost in Japan! Confused-looking Biden, 80, is directed to his spot by Japanese PM Kishida as he kicks off G7 summit in Hiroshima 

* Joe and Jill visiting the Peace Park and Memorial Museum 

* Slight kerfuffle when he didn't know where to stand in photo-op 

* 'We'll figure it out,' Jill Biden said President Joe Biden and Jill Biden needed a little guidance

Friday morning when they fumbled around during a photo-op, getting turned around as they tried to find their spot. 

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida stepeped in to direct them as the first couple posed with him and his wife Yuko during the first day of the G7 summit in Hiroshima. 

Biden, 80, and the first lady were joining other G7 leaders Friday morning for a tour of Hiroshima's Peace Park and Memorial Museum.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: He should be using a cane .... Biden stumbles while going to greet (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

There is tape on the carpet. Fck Joe Biden's staff briefed him where to stand using photos ahead of time and the demented fool still could not get it right.

Anonymous said...

Vision thing