Friday, May 19, 2023

New Report Says Post-9/11 US Conflicts May Have Killed Over 4.5 Million People

Common Dreams: 'Death Outlives War': Analysis Estimates Post-9/11 US Conflicts Killed Over 4.5 Million 

"The United States government, while not solely responsible for the damage, has a significant obligation to invest in humanitarian assistance and reconstruction in post-9/11 war zones," said the author of a new report. The post-9/11 War on Terror may have caused at least 4.5 million deaths in around half a dozen countries, according to a report published Monday by the preeminent academic institution studying the costs, casualties, and consequences of a war in which U.S. bombs and bullets are still killing and wounding people in multiple nations. 

The new report from the Costs of War Project at Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs shows "how death outlives war" by examining people killed indirectly by the War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The report is focused on blaming the U.S.. But many Western countries (i.e. Canada, U.K., etc.) also willingly participated in these wars and conflicts, and they must also share some of the blame. 

The report is here .... How Death Outlives War: The Reverberating Impact of the Post-9/11 Wars on Human Health (Costs Of War).


RussInSoCal said...

I blame the Islamic terrorists who crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center, Pentagon and Shanksville, PA killing 3,000 Americans

Anonymous said...

NATO, North Atlantic Terrorist Organization.

Anonymous said...

So many of you were and still are so easily duped. The laws of physics fell apart that day and an explanation has yet to be given. The US is king and master of false flag operations.

Anonymous said...

A brutal street gang on a country size level. And they love little boys and girls 🌈

Hans Persson said...

Yeah just a bunch of innocent Islamic boys traveling into the WTC. Girls we never get to see because they all are hiding between trash bags. What's up?

Anonymous said...

We let it happen. Now tell us how three sky scrapers fell at free fall speed from fires alone. Never happened in history, and never happened since. Plenty of pentagon footage never made it out either. Now explain how some of those hijacker’s were giving television interviews years later. The list of anomalies and “coincidences” goes on for miles. Use your 🧠

Anonymous said...

If someone punches you and then you push them aside in order to beat an uninvolved bystander to death, then you are to blame for your own actions.

Anonymous said...

Th thing I cannot get around is the case of

"The Dancing Israelis"

I mean WTF. Why happened here??

. Did they know before hand, was it just a chance thing?

IDK, but it does not add uo and does not make sense. IF any of you have plausible explanations, I for one, would like to hear them.

Hans Persson said...

Well, I've never seen planes big like that fly into big skyscrapers before. So what do I know of material quality and density, nothing. Talibanos even admitted flying into the buildings and how they did it. We can't ignore facts just to justify wtf we're doing today. That's what the left does with science.

Hans Persson said...

That's war 🤷

Hans Persson said...

"The Dancing Israelis"? What is this? Now I'm curious

Anonymous said...


look it up on the internet

There was an ABC news (I think). report of a bunch of arab men in NYC on top of a building, On the day the planes hit the building. They were there before the planes impacted the building..

When the planes hit, these guys started jumping around snapping photos and celebrating.

They were reported , picked up by the Police , interrogated. and release on orders from the FBI or state department.

here is the link to wiki spooks

The investigation showed that they were Israeli citizens , further investigation said that they listed thier employment and it was a Mossad front organization

Crazy but true

Hans Persson said...

Imagine if it was true 😶

Anonymous said...

agree w hans.

Anonymous said...

Some fishy things but the planes laden w fuel and fed by drafts--the steel is just a skeleton holding petrochemical synthetics (fuel) for the fire

Anonymous said...

my opinion is that it could have been a chance thing OR they were connected with israeli intelligence and had an inkling.

Anonymous said...

well no shit, Hans!
And these same people could want to gain control of Ukraine as another homeland. Think.