Saturday, May 20, 2023

Bakhmut Has Fallen



Reuters: Russia's Prigozhin claims full control of Bakhmut after months of fighting 

The head of Russia's Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, on Saturday claimed full control of the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, the focus of the longest and bloodiest battle of the war. 

Reuters could not independently confirm the claim, made by Prigozhin in a video in which he appeared in combat fatigues in front of a line of fighters holding Russian flags and Wagner banners.

"Today, at 12 noon, Bakhmut was completely taken," Prigozhin said. "We completely took the whole city, from house to house." 

He said that his forces would withdraw from Bakhmut from May 25 for rest and retraining, handing over control to the regular Russian army. 

 Distant explosions could be heard in the background as Prigozhin spoke during the video.

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This is what Russian media is saying .... Key Donbass city captured – Wagner chief (RT). More here .... Russian Forces Take Full Control Over Artemovsk (Sputnik).  

Ukraine is denying these reports .... Ukraine denies Russia's Wagner has captured Bakhmut (Reuters). More here .... Maliar: Situation in Bakhmut critical, Ukrainian fighters holding defense in one district (Ukrinform). 

As to what I am seeing, hearing, and being told. All my contacts in Ukraine and Russia are saying the same thing. Bakhmut has fallen. 

This has been the biggest defeat for Ukrainian forces in this war. After throwing in almost an Army Corps into the battle for Bakhmut, they have been defeated by what Ukrainian President Zelensky himself has labeled as a mercenary unit made up of convicts. 

I cannot even begin to express how demoralizing this defeat is having on my family, friends, and contacts in Ukraine this morning. 

One of my Ukrainian friends told me this morning he hopes that Zelensky will be able to convince Western leaders to get directly involved in the war. A cousin told me there is growing panic in the military as news of this defeat spreads. Another good friend shared with me his worries on what will happen to his son who is serving in the Kharkiv region.

Sighhh .... it has been a long morning.

I do not know what is going to come next. But my gut is telling me that we are now entering a new phase of the war, and the bloodshed and destruction is going to get worse.

More News On The Fall Of Bakhmut  

Live: Russia's Prigozhin claims capture of Bakhmut; Ukraine says fighting continues -- France 24  

Russia-Ukraine war live: Kyiv rejects Wagner claim that Russian forces in full control of Bakhmut -- The Guardian  

Russian private army head claims control of Bakhmut but Ukraine says fighting continues -- AP  

Russia’s Wagner group claims to have captured Bakhmut but Ukraine says it still controls a part of it -- CNN  

Wagner Chief Claims Complete Capture of Bakhmut -- AFP


Fazman II said...

KYIV, May 20 (Reuters) - Ukraine's military denied on Saturday that Russia's Wagner private military unit had taken full control of the ruined eastern city of Bakhmut and said its troops were continuing to fight there.

"This is not true. Our units are fighting in Bakhmut," military spokesperson Serhiy Cherevatyi told Reuters after the head of Russia's Wagner mercenary group said his forces had taken full control of the city.
Reporting by Olena Harmash; writing by Tom Balmforth; editing by William Maclean

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Anonymous said...

"This has been the biggest defeat for Ukrainian forces in this war"

That statement is full of crap.

The battle of Kyev was smaller? How about taking back 1/2 of Kherson or Karkhiv?

Anonymous said...

Bakhmut fell because it was woke.

Anonymous said...

Looks like all those tanks and hundreds of billions of dollars we sent are paying off.

Anonymous said...

Russia claim. then denial by Ukraine's claim. In sum we do not know at this point and yet a huge post citing the Russian claim. Why?

Anonymous said...

Zelensky has millions salted away overseas. My sources say that if the war takes a turn for the worse, expect him to flee Ukraine and fly to the USA, where he has a residence in Maimi.

Anonymous said...

It is not uncommon for comedians to be multi millionaires. Or Singers or people in professional sports.

So Zelensky is a mulit-millionaire and trollski thinks it is a news flash.

It is also common for multi-millionaires to spread their money around. When countries like the US deficit spend, you want to send your money overseas. You report it. You pay taxes on the interest but you keep you money in more than one currency.

So the long and the short of it is Trollski (1:18) stick it.

PS: It should be okay for FSB to diversify form the ruble to maybe the renminbi without getting shot? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

The 30 Richest Comedians in the World

Anonymous said...

How many comedians were shown to have approximately $800 million stashed away in the Pandora Papers? Just one? Alright.

Anonymous said...

2:50 PM you are desperate. People, who ought content from Zelensky, set up some companies and hid cash. La de da

I'll get right on that one after investigating billionaire pootin.

Anonymous said...

I can’t remember; is this the fourteenth or fifteenth time the Russians have taken Bakhmut?

Anonymous said...

No I think it is the second.
Yes tgey took it, then the ukies had a counter offensive and now it belongs to the Russians again,

Anonymous said...

DTG 20252023 2000HRS GMT


Russian orcs are speading propaganda that Bakhmut has been captured!

This is a lie!!! Russian running dogs and thier deluded puppets are trying to Sabotage our moral and fighting spirit.

THEY WILL FAIL. The glorious Armed Forces of the Motheland can never be defeated. The 5th Super Slav (SS) division Viking is currently destroying the enemy in every part of the sector. To the north and south the II Super Slav (SS) Panzer Corps is cutting off the enemy retreat and preparing for follow on operations in Crimea.

Do not listen to the lies of these RUSSIAN Jackals!!!

Our American and European allies stand behind us 1000%. Just like they did the valient Vietnamese and Afghanis. We cannot fail!!

Comrade Zelinski is always right.
We will be victorious as long as we remain true to traveling the righteous LBGTQXX ROAD!!!
Our path is set and it is to glory


We will never allow a former restaurant owner and a bunch of EX Cons to

defeat the best trained, best equipped and most valiant army in the History of UKRAINE!!!


Long live the mothetland!!


Message ends.