Sunday, May 7, 2023

California Reparations Panel Approves Formal Apology And Payments Of Up To $1.2 Million For Every Eligible Black Resident


The Hill: California task force votes in favor of reparation proposals for Black residents 

The California Reparations Task Force voted on Saturday to recommend a series of proposals that could see Black residents in the state receive billions of dollars in reparations, according to The Associated Press. 

If approved by the California legislature and Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), the proposals would provide eligible Black residents with varying payments for the state’s discriminatory policies, including mass incarceration and over policing, housing discrimination, and health care inequalities and environmental injustices.  

Read more .... 

Update #1: California reparations panel approves payments of up to $1.2 million to every Black resident (FOX News) 

Update #2: A California panel has called for billions in reparations for descendants of slaves (NPR)  

WNU Editor: It is not going to be cheap .... California task force OKs reparations plan that could cost state $800B (NYPost). 

What I do not understand is that I thought California was a "Free State" that prohibited slavery when it entered the Union in 1850.


Anonymous said...

Lol it never was a slave state. California's going downhill fast!

Hans Persson said...

This is real racism unfolding in front of our eyes.

Anonymous said...

you might not the notion of reparations but at the very least stop saying stuff that is not true!

History of slavery in California

Anonymous said...

First people from Africa arrived in Jamestown in 1619. They were made indentured servants like whites.

In 1640 four indentured servants ran away form a black farmer, who had been an indentured servant. One of the four was black and the others were white. The whites had years added t0 their indenture for running away. The black man went to court to make his black indentured servant a slave.

Okay, that is on the black farmer. He was a prick. But the courts went along with it. Over the next 20 years it went to shat.

It all started with one greedy black man.

Anonymous said...

11:55 is bent little focker.

"Slavery did persist in California even without legal authority. Some slaveowners simply refused to notify their slaves of the prohibition, and continued to trade slaves within the state. Numerous state trials ruled in the favor of emancipation."

So whenever a Democrat was acting like a Democrat and the courts found out, they freed the person who was illegally enslaved.

The simple solution in California was to expel all the Democrats. Problem solved.

No more slavery.

Matthew Putnam said...

The US has been paying reparations since the civil war, and certainly since the 60's by the trillions. Fuck all the genuinely stupid, racist, emotional bastards who advocate for this crap. Yet again, another Democrat "muh feels" policy costing hundreds of billions that is not calibrated to do any net good, other than "feel goods" for the larping useful idiots. Way to really drive a stake into heart into the black community in the US and make them more unmotivated, confused, and ignorant, thus by design, more dependent on the government. The new democrat plantation of 2023 "loves" its minority field hands, yet still hates school choice for some reason. The white ethnomasochists and Dixiecrats never seem to fully die unfortunately. I am sure child pred Fred Lapaides will ask about pee tape sippy cup collusion and chickens roost in march anon will be writhing in his forth bubbles any second now. Good boi's. The best boi's 10/10.


Anonymous said...

lol banana republic
it's full on doomsday over there, since Democrats took over.. injustices masquerading as justice... murderers go free... state terror.. lawfare.. soon dollar collapse.. and likely with it global war/prolonged "instability"

Anonymous said...

1.5 trillion to be handed out to the least intelligent, least successful racial group in the world. 1.5 trillion if only half of blacks in California get this amount. And if the rest across the country don’t get their way, the rest of the country will be burned to the ground

Anonymous said...

#1 Between 2011 and 2019, the New York Times and the Washington Post increased their usage of the words "racist," "racists," and "racism" by over 700% and nearly 1,000%, respectively.

Anonymous said...

We need a new game show titled. "What is dumber than a Democrat"

Anonymous said...

What a joke

Roger29palms said...

I want refunds for my taxes that went to support citizens fully capable of supporting themselves.

Anonymous said...

Won’t be on air for very long as there is virtually nothing dumber than a modern day self described Democrat.

Anonymous said...

I say give them the reparations and then we the taxpayers can file a class action for compensation for all the crime committed, all the costs for policing and incarceration, all the hospital bills non blacks and insurance companies had to pay for physical violence and shootings, deprecated housing values for having violent blacks living in the neighborhood. They’ll owe the United States another 50 yrs of slavery to pay all that off.

Anonymous said...

Matthew Putnam spitting hot fire above.

Crazy how after the rise of the tea party and the occupy movement aligned the left & right on the issue of class, the media decided we needed to change the national discussion to chicks with dicks and start a race war. Really activates the almonds..

Anonymous said...

You guys basically said it all. What a bunch of crap. Proves progressives are Idiots and Jackasses

Matthew Putnam said...

Ive been accused of being a Dragon, yes. I actually now identify as one 5 seconds ago, so thats nice. I always knew I was different and special, and a victim of a society that has told me "no" for too long. So, Child Pred Fred and Roosting Chickens in March anon better refer to me as such, or they are raycisms bigot(TM) and need to be censored and persecuted. Rawr fags! ;D

Anonymous said...

Are you a girl dragon or boy dragon?

Anonymous said...

I had thought Governor Newsom had some smarts. After college he a few friends managed a business or two for a millionaire that his family knew. The businesses did well ands that was his start. His family knew this millionaire. Newson is related to Pelosi. So while the businesses did well maybe someone else could have made them done better. Not everyone gets such a hook up.

1) So did the business do better because of Newsom, his friends r all of them?

2) Could anyone with a modicum of sense have done the same?

Maybe Newsom thinks the laws he passes are wrong but he is just going with the liberal tide? Some people think he is just stupid now.

Anonymous said...

The hell you still doing there? Only one direction that state is going and it’s not up

fazman said...

Lmfao..good idea

Hans Persson said...

Ok lets be real, are they better off in the "US" or would they be better off back where they came from?

We all know the answer, so stop this stupid charade and dance.

Anonymous said...

If the slaves had never been sent to America, they would have been executed. Some of the good looking women would not have been, but the rest would have been worked as slaves in Africa or executed.

It is what tribes do of any color.

Hans Persson said...

I got banned for racism at our only swedish political channel on reddit when I wrote that.

Hans Persson said...

History is only accepted when it promotes their views.