Thursday, May 18, 2023

China Hosts A Summit Of Its Own As the G7 Summit Starts In Japan

Map showing Central Asia countries. China's President Xi Jinping will host a two-day summit with the leaders of five Central Asian leaders in Xi'an starting May 18. © Laurence CHU  

DNYUZ/New York Times: As the U.S. Attends the G7, China Hosts a Summit of Its Own 

China’s leader, Xi Jinping, is kicking off a summit on Thursday that the country is heralding as a historic milestone, rolling out the red carpet for five Central Asian countries that are critical to China’s regional ambitions. 

The inaugural China-Central Asia summit is part of China’s broader aim to strengthen economic and political partnerships with like-minded countries, to counter what it sees as a U.S.-dominated world order that is trying to contain and suppress China. 

Notably, Mr. Xi’s summit was scheduled on the eve of the annual Group of 7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, which begins Friday and will be attended by leaders of the world’s wealthiest large democracies, including President Biden. 

A major topic for the G7 leaders will be how to address what the United States describes as China’s growing assertiveness.  

Read more .... 

China Hosts A Summit Of Its Own As the G7 Summit Starts In Japan  

China's Xi hails 'new era' of ties with Central Asia at summit -- AFP  

Central Asia forges ties with China as Xi touts 'enduring' friendship -- Reuters  

China Holds Central Asia Summit; Ex-US Official Urges Pragmatism -- VOA 

China to convene Central Asian leaders to counter G-7 summit -- Nikkei Asia  

Amid G7, China hosts summit of its own with Central Asia -- Times of India  

China kicks off summit with five Central Asian countries -- Axios


Dave Goldstein said...

No Russia?

Anonymous said...

Chinese fools copy cat governments

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till u go 2 hell all governments

Anonymous said...

So I could live in peace everywhere

Anonymous said...

More legit than G7.

Anonymous said...

These 5 countries do not have so much access to the sea, only drought and mountains, highly strategic territory to win wars in Europe and the Middle East, because it is in the middle of the map, it makes sense for China to build train tracks that run throughout the territory