Thursday, May 18, 2023

U.S. President Biden Reiterates To Japanese PM Kishida That Japan Is Protected By America's Nuclear Umbrella

US President Joe Biden (L) and Japanese PM Fumio Kishida meet in Hiroshima on May 18, 2023, ahead of the G7 summit. © Kiyoshi Ota / POOL / AFP  

RT: In Hiroshima, Biden promises Japan nuclear umbrella 

The US president met with Japanese PM Kishida ahead of the G7 summit 

The US will defend Japan with atomic weapons if necessary, the Japanese government announced on Thursday, citing the readout of a meeting between President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The discussion took place in the city of Hiroshima, infamously destroyed by a US nuclear bomb in 1945.

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WNU Editor: According to the Japanese Foreign Ministry .... 

.... President Biden reiterated the U.S. commitment to the defense of Japan under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security, backed by the full range of capabilities, including nuclear. 

The above promised US nuclear umbrella commitment is from the following minutes .... Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Of Japan).


Anonymous said...

Guess we owe them that, considering we dropped a few on them even after they were surrendering.

Anonymous said...

Tell me you know nothing, without saying you know nothing

Anonymous said...

We wanted to test our new weapons on civilian populations. Japanese were preparing to surrender. But of course we can’t say that. The winners write the history books after all.

Anonymous said...

Japan needs its own nukes. They may secretly already have them.

Japan having nukes makes them more of a peer and that is a good thing and a healthy thing.

7:32 GFY. Some factions were looking to surrender. The Evil, asshole soviets played around with it. Some factions wanted to fight on after 2 bombs had fallen and the emperor said they were going to surrender.

The Japanese went to the Russians instead of going to the Americans, because they were afraid the Americans hated them for all the evil sh@t they pulled. Like Hellships. Or being made into pate. Or burning POWs alive.

Death Railway

"90,000 of the labourers and about 16,000 Allied prisoners died.[30]"

What is fun is the Russians would pay off some fringe groups to protest in Japan. They would also pay office workers too. They would protest during lunch break, collect their money and go back to their day job. Of course lefty journalist would report the 'large' crowds.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, almost forgot, more than 81 million people voted for Joe Biden in 2020. 😂