Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Editor's Note

A lot of personal stuff to do today. Blogging will return this evening.


Anonymous said...

For starters, they know the current U.S. President. Biden has been taking money and supporting pro-Tehran regime lobbyists since at least 2002, when a group of Tehran-supporters threw a fund-raiser for him in California that brought in $30,000.

Anonymous said...

"From then on, Biden became a reliable vote (along with Senator Chuck Hagel) when it came to opposing sanctions on Iran"

Bought for $30,000.

A strumpet would have charged more.

Anonymous said...

"Fast forward to New Year’s Eve 2020. Iranian-backed militiamen stormed the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad during the final days of 2019. President Trump responded immediately by redeploying hundreds of U.S. Marines from Kuwait to protect the embassy in Baghdad, to prevent another Benghazi from occurring.

And when he learned that the initial attack on the embassy was just the beginning, and that Quds Force commander Qassem Suleymani was flying into Baghdad to supervise the next wave of attacks, President Trump ordered him taken out."

Would Biden have done this?

Matthew Putnam said...

Dont feed the "chickens roost in march" troll at 12:36. Its not looking for an argument. It just wants to steal your life hours and waste its own, all while thinking it is changing the world in the process. Moar larping, more feels, more aimless stupidity. Zero value. Shame.

Anonymous said...


Not really. Fred is not here. Some troll copies his style.

Change minds? Take Ron. Ron has lived long enough and has a strong enough personality that you are not going to change his mind with a post. there are several others here in the same boat. It is a good boat to be in.

the quotes come from an article. It gives the rest of the story as Paul Harvey used to say.

Iran Seizes More Tankers in Persian Gulf

Iran seized the Panamanian flagged tankers because, Panama deflagged some Iranian ships. Research was done and ownership of the ships was traced through shell companies back to Iran.

Why did I post? To change minds? No, mainly because I am pissed off. Joe sold out for a mere $30,000? In my opinion I think a congressman should go for at least a mil and a senator for several il.

15 Politicians Who Were Caught Taking Bribes

"In January 2013, Moreno Valley City Council Man Marcelo Co was caught on tape accepting a $2.36 million bribe from an undercover FBI agent."

There was a junior officer in the US military that stole 20 million. I may I have misremembered. But one did conduct a fraud for 2.7 million.

So I am mad, mad on 2 accounts. One Biden sold us out over and over. Two he did it for so little.

Anonymous said...

US Gov Funding Back for Lab that Studied COVID in Wuhan Bats

US Gov Funding Back for Lab that Studied COVID in Wuhan Bats

US Gov Funding Back for Lab that Studied COVID in Wuhan Bats

US Gov Funding Back for Lab that Studied COVID in Wuhan Bats

US Gov Funding Back for Lab that Studied COVID in Wuhan Bats

Anonymous said...

All the above posters are not crackpots.

Anonymous said...

WNU editor gonna have to pass this blog on soon. Too much news out every day to keep up with. 📰 🗞 🧠 💥 🥱 😴

RussInSoCal said...

Tucker and Musk. (called it)


Anonymous said...

What a team up. This move is big for Twitter. Now I’m going to call it: the Biden administration will at least make an attempt to ban Twitter in the United States

Anonymous said...

Sometimes your English is so bad I can see the Russian in you. Someitimes the Russian in you is so deep, I can see the modern Republican in you.

Anonymous said...

more russian trolling ^

Anonymous said...

Useless Fact: Rubber bands last longer in the freezer.

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

Useless Fact: Rubber bands last longer in the freezer.

Not to everyone. If you manufacture items using synthetic or natural rubber, the shelf life or use life is important. It is more of a cultural thing and I would not expect a Putinista to understand the usefulness of standards and how they benefit logistics and availability.

Anonymous said...

You want to see a good example of bad english go check out Walmart or any fast food joint. When a civilization loses the ability to communicate with itself, it’s over. The west is a cooked goose. 🦢🔥🍗 🪦