Monday, May 8, 2023

Robert Kennedy Jr. Blames The CIA For The Assassination Of His Uncle U.S. President John Kennedy


Daily Mail: Robert Kennedy Jr. blames CIA for assassination of JFK and claims it is 'beyond a reasonable doubt' 

* White House contender says there is 'overwhelming evidence' of CIA cover up 

* Kennedy has previously cited links between the CIA and Lee Harvey Oswald 

* Said he was running because he felt his 'party had been stolen' by neocons 

Democratic White House contender Robert Kennedy Jr. has repeated the conspiratorial claim that the CIA assassinated President John F. Kennedy. 

The anti-vaxxer said it was 'beyond reasonable doubt' that the agency was responsible for murdering his uncle in Dallas, Texas in 1963.

He told John Catsimatidis on WABC 770 AM's 'Cats Roundtable' that 'the evidence is overwhelming that the CIA was involved in the murder and the cover up'.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Just imagine. The US Presidential election ending up as a contest between Donald Trump vs. Robert Kennedy Jr.. 

LOL! I can see heads exploding in Washington DC if that happens. 

Robert Kennedy Jr. Blames The CIA For The Assassination Of His Uncle U.S. President John Kennedy  

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: 'It was my father's first instinct the agency killed his brother' -- FOX News  

Robert Kennedy Jr. sees ‘overwhelming evidence’ CIA involved in JFK assassination -- The Hill  

Robert Kennedy Jr. blames CIA for JFK assassination, fueling controversial claim -- NYPost 

RFK JR.: CIA “Definitely Involved In The Murder” Of JFK -- Summit News  

RFK Jr. pushes conspiracy theory that CIA was involved in uncle's assassination -- Washington Examiner


Anonymous said...

I hope that he gains traction--sings some of the same songs as DJT, and some would say...

Jac said...


Anonymous said...

The establishment will panic if it looks like he'll win the presidency. The DNC will do anything to make sure RFK Jr will not be their candidate. A lone gunman will take him out if necessary. They cannot allow him to be President. The 1st thing he'll do is ID who killed his father, uncle & MLK. Then the reasons for everything that follows on from those assassinations will be called into question, Vietnam war, 9/11, the Covid policies for example. He will receive the same treatment from the CIA controlled news media as Donald Trump. If despite this, he looks to be successful, he'll have a stroke, heart attack or lone gunman.

Anonymous said...

that guy is a nut and so small wonder he is a hero to the stupids who spill their shit here.

Anonymous said...

You must work for Dow Chemical

Anonymous said...

8:04 is a medical doctor. Lead is not good in paint, gasoline, plumbing or anything else. there is one thing lead is good for. Vaccines. Or so they tell us.

Viruses used to make vaccines are always killed. So no problem of a live one slipping thru. Assembly lines never get off kilter. Look at Abbott facility in Sturgis, Michigan.

8:04 is the 1st to tell you VAERS what?

8:04 how is the weather in St Pertersburg?

Anonymous said...

even his family all believe he is off base.

Hans Persson said...

Nah, he's not allowed an opinion. Even tho they messed up the most important obduction and investigation. They messed it up so bad they fucked up Oliver Stones career, now he can't stop seeing conspiracy theories.

Imagine then being RFK? Nah, he can't be allowed to think for himself.

Hans Persson said...


Ron said...

That would be something to have Trump against Kennedy in a debate. I think Trump would get exposed. Trump understands the political world by memes. I read Kennedy's book about Fauci. Good lord. his citations to sources were almost greater than the words in his book. This guy knows why he believes what he believes and brings the receipts. As a Trump voter in '16 and '20, I would relish the opportunity have a choice between two men who have real reasons to decimate the deep state and intel communities.

Hans Persson said...

What do you think about Vivek, Ron?

Anonymous said...

Democratic party won't allow a primary now. It's like Biden paid RFK to announce his candidacy so that the party would stop trying to get him to not run.

Anonymous said...

you do not have a primary when your president is to run a second time. If you do not know that then why are you making silly comments?
as for being anti vaccine: simply compare deaths in the unvaccinated with those vaccinated. Or red states versus blue states.
Have you had any vaccines in your life? are you dead?

Anonymous said...

He is probably correct, along with military and mob involvement. They wanted him gone! All the military were furious they ddin't get to invade Cuba, CIA was furious over the Bay of Pigs and Cuba and the Mob was furious over the Mafia and Civil Rights crackdowns.

Anonymous said...

A climate change lunatic who wants to imprison “climate deniers” vs a completely self absorbed narcissist who thinks he is the “chosen one” from God.

America is a total loss. Prep while you can.

Anonymous said...

"you do not have a primary when your president is to run a second time. If you do not know that then why are you making silly comments?"

^ Stupid , dumb@$$ comment

Incumbent president are primaried, if they are weak. There is no law against primarying an incumbent president.

Joe is very weak. memorial Day is almost here and Joe Biden drained the SPR for short term gain.

When presidents get primary challenges

"Ted Kennedy ran against Jimmy Carter in 1980 when he was the sitting president."

"Carter in 80, and Buchanan gave bush a brief scare in New Hampshire"

Sorry everyone. Had to set former, retired bull$hitter straight

Anonymous said...

Is the death penalty still in effect for treason? The traitors over at CIA want to know...

Ron said...

Hans, Vivek is the smartest guy in the race and Trump would not want to debate him. He seems to have a deep understand of the anti-authentic individual human liberty issues that were guaranteed to us by our founders.

I agree with both of your points but I am stuck with whatever my options are. I would take both those men, despite their faults over Biden or Harris or Buttigieg or anybody else the DEMs might put up. If I could pick who the candidate is I would dig up Thomas Jefferson.

Anonymous said...

You can run a primary against a sitting pres who want another term. Butr you will not get very far, no matter how the president's numbers are. It is a matter of tact.
everyone with ease blames the CIA for just about anything since they never response and thus make an easy mark.
where then is substantial proof that would stand up in court?

Anonymous said...

The CIA sank the Titanic and blamed it on a big chunk of ice

Hans Persson said...


What? Again!?

Anonymous said...

520am is spot on - happened before. People keep their minds shut because it's easier than to accept that some people have a different set of ethical principles and goals than most of us have.

Anonymous said...

"If I could pick who the candidate is I would dig up Thomas Jefferson."

Please do. Can't be any worse than the walking corpse currently occupying the position.

Anonymous said...

8:04 so glad you have Donald Trump. Pieces of shit like you can't exist without someone to hate on. In that regard, he must be an absolute wet dream for y'all.

Anonymous said...

Trump is done. finished. whiner. loser. thief. liar. name caller. fat. leader of malcontents who are losers.

Anonymous said...

Keep saying that!!!