Monday, May 8, 2023

Germany Wants To Ban Russian Flags On Victory Day

Raising the Soviet flag over the Reichstag, May 1945 

New York Times: Berlin Attempts to Ban Russian Flags on Victory Day, Prompting Legal Tussle 

A legal tussle was unfolding in Berlin on Monday over an attempt by the police in the German capital to ban Russian flags at Victory Day celebrations this week. 

Before Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Berliners and Russians would gather at the city’s monuments to commemorate Victory Day, the May 9 holiday in Russia that marks the Soviet triumph over Nazi Germany. 

But since the start of the invasion, the monuments have become staging points for pro-Russian activists. Although a majority of Germans support Ukraine in its defense against Russia’s invasion, a vocal minority — which includes members of the large Russian diaspora as well as far-right activists — supports Moscow. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: German court bans Russian flags at WWII anniversary memorials in Berlin (AFP)  

Update #2: Berlin Court Overturns Ban On Russia Flag Ahead Of Victory Day 'Immortal Regiment' March (Republic World) 

 WNU Editor: Germany moves to ban Russian/Soviet flags on victory Day, but is shipping Leopard 2 tanks to be used against Russia .... German Leopard 2 tanks now in Ukraine, Berlin confirms (The Guardian). What more can I say.


Anonymous said...

Shit, I know how to really ruffle some lefty feathers now. I’ll be ordering my Russian flag tomorrow before they get banned here too. 🙌 🇷🇺 🙌

Anonymous said...

I see it as a healthy sign. Know anyone, who is still alive from that time in Germany? Why should people 3 generations removed bear the cost?

Come to think about it a neo-NAZI is liable to be almost anyone of any race or ethnicity in the Northern hemisphere, plus Australia and South America.

Have not seen a black neo-NAZI yet, but it is coming.

As the name implies the word NAZI is a combination of nationalism, and socialism. Name a country that does not have nationalists (good or bad ones) or socialists. Those two ideas would never collide on a Venn diagram or real life?

Many Russian politicians use May 9th like Republicans use to wave "the bloody flag" in the latter part of the 19th century. The Republicans had more right. The KKK, Jim Crow and Democrats were still a ongoing thing,

Hans Persson said...

Oh Lil' Hitler wanna come out and play? Aww

Anonymous said...


Sometimes I regard Hitler as "the Mule" See Asimov.

Sometimes I regard Hitler as -1.645 or -2

Sometimes I just regard Hitler as just some guy. Think F Test or the Milgram experiment.

If Hitler is not "The Mule", then people like him are to be expected from time to time. Or maybe a lot given the right or common circumstances. Remember the Balkans War?

Remember the Armenian Genocide? Hitler did. He took a page out of the Turkish book. He saw the world did nothing and so repeated the experience. So not an original thinker.

Remember the Balkans War. Sbrenica? The US intervened. Why? Was it because Clinton needed to wag the dog?

Is it coincidence that the movie "Wag the Dog" came out during the Clinton presidency?

So we did intervene in the Balkans, but Hitler might still be right in general. Europe had enough fire power at the end of the Cold War to put a stop to the Balkans war without US help. It was right on their border so logistics is not an excuse.

Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Sbrenica, Hitler, Armenian Genocide, Rwanda, Idi Amin, Congo, North Korean leaders(pick one, anyone), ...

Ron said...

Just shows you how hapless Germany is, not because of the people I suppose but like america, because who they have chosen to assume power. Ban flags? ooooo. what a tough response. Russians are gonna overthrow Putin now. How about rebuilding your military and building war kit to give to Ukraine if you want to harm Russia. Maybe some lapel pin company in America can make an "I support Ukraine" pin you guys can wear. or you could do one of those hashtag things. Call Michelle Obama. she will show you how to do it.

Hans Persson said...

Look. Banning flags, languages, books, all of that is both stupid and wrong. It's telling that it's the west that's doing this pre-hitler stuff.

Anonymous said...

Russia is cracking down on minority languages – but a resistance movement is growing

"On 19 June 2018, the Russian State Duma adopted a bill that made education in all languages but Russian optional, overruling previous laws by ethnic autonomies, and reducing instruction in minority languages to only two hours a week.[7][8][9] This bill has been likened by some commentators, such as in Foreign Affairs, to a policy of Russification"

The 2012 law On the principles of the State language policy [uk] granted regional language status to Russian and other minority languages. It allowed the use of minority languages in courts, schools and other government institutions in areas of Ukraine where the national minorities exceed 10% of the population.

Ukraine looks much better than Russia.

Anonymous said...

just because some people in Russia (former Soviet Union) did something good and heroic, does NOT mean they will be heroes and good forever.

Currently, Russia is the aggressor and killing civilians - including war crimes (yes, Ukrainians too, but it is THEIR country they fight Russian invaders on)

In general, I think it's terribly sad - for both sides.

Russia and Germany should act like brothers, not like this crazy madness. Any Russian I've ever met was nice to me. So I hate everything that is going on. But I cannot defend Russia because Ukrainians too were just the nicest people.

What do you recommend Germans or Europeans do? Allow such a parade while the same people are murdering our brothers in Ukraine right now? Celebrate with them?

I know, the historic achievement should be celebrated, and I do.. I have a drink on the brave Soviets from back then. But I will not drink at the same time with Russians who support the invasion of Ukraine at the moment.

Anonymous said...

White western ethnic cleansing is what’s taking place. Watching CBC as I type this and they just love showing statues of white people being torn down and crying whining Natives bitching about how bad we are and that we owe them more more and even more

Hans Persson said...

There's no appreciation at all going on, we have to forget history and we should ignore the majority.

Hans Persson said...

And why Russia cracked down on minorities was because of Muslims, we all know that and nobody actually cares.

Anonymous said...

How can there be a future if we can’t get out of the past?

Anonymous said...

White people are the minority here and just look at what’s happening to us. Did you know a black person or Native will get accepted into a university program over a white with double digit higher test scores? How can that be good for our civilization?

Anonymous said...

Forget history? I've watched 3 or 4 documentaries on Hitler in the last 2 tears. Along wit that history you need to recall medieval history and beyond in both directions to see the underlying Jew hatred, which was European wide. Hitler came by his Jew hated honestly. It permeated Europe including Russia. See the Dreyfus Affair.

Anonymous said...

We didn’t put on hold Ramadan after they killed thousands by flying planes into our buildings. Is this the new norm now? You people cry and scream for multiculturalism but are such hypocrites in the end. Question: are we going to cancel Chinese culture, flags and language when they make a move on Taiwan? Seriously asking

Hans Persson said...

Stop being clever 😊

Hans Persson said...

I'm just saying that it feels like the west wants us to forget or erase certain parts of history, that's all..

fazman said...

You can't be serious lol