Friday, May 26, 2023

Is The U.S. Permitting Ukraine To Attack Russia Using American Weapons?

Warzone/The Drive: Images Claiming To Show U.S. Vehicles Used In Raid Into Russia Spur Questions  

Security assistance to Ukraine is for use inside its borders “to defend their country,” the Pentagon’s top spokesman said.  

Asked about imagery emerging on social media purporting to show U.S.-made armored vehicles captured in Russia during this week's cross-border incursion, the Pentagon said it did not authorize the transfer of equipment to "paramilitary organizations outside the Ukrainian Armed Forces" by Kyiv and received no requests to do so. 

Images appeared on social media claiming to show that two pro-Ukrainian Russian partisan groups - the Freedom For Russia Legion and the Russian Volunteer Corps - used several U.S.-donated vehicles during a cross-border attack on Russia. While we cannot independently confirm the use of those vehicles in that attack, the Oryx open-source weapons tracking group - which only reports on equipment it has visual confirmation of - says that the Russians captured two International M1224 MaxxPro MRAPs, two 2 M1151 HMMWVs and that one M1152 HMMWV was damaged and captured. The Ukraine Weapons Tracker open-source investigations group concurred with that assessment. 

Read more ....  

Update: WW3 fears as Russia claims US weapons were used in shock attack on their soil (Daily Star). 

WNU Editor: There is some speculation that these US vehicles were planted by Russian forces to create the narrative that the US is directing Ukraine to attack Russia. The problem with that analysis is that the Kremlin has no need to create such a scenario for the simple reason being that the vast majority of Russians (if not all Russians) already believe it. 

On the Ukraine side I know that Western weapons are flooding into Ukraine, and there is no real control on where a portion of it is being deployed. The country is now in a state of total war, and having a bureaucrat somewhere deciding on where all vehicles, weapons, and ammunition goes is not a priority. The priority is to equip units that are willing to fight and/or are currently fighting the Russian military. 

As to the US reaction. There are promises that there will be an investigation .... Ukraine Situation Report: White House Investigating If U.S. Vehicles Used In Raid Into Russia (Warzone/The Drive). I am 100% confident that nothing is going to come out of this. 

The US military and the intelligence community have a very good idea on what is happening in the war. And while publicly the US says they do not want these Ukrainian militias using their weapons in Russia, they are not going to stop what Ukrainian commanders on the ground want to do, including invading Russia.


Anonymous said...

The Soviet Union armed North Vietnam in their war against the Americans. Many, many US soldiers died from Soviet weapons. So Russia should not cry foul when American weapons result in Russian deaths. Turnabout is fair play. The better alternative is to declare peace, but, LOL, mankind is not peaceful, nor will it ever be.

Anonymous said...

Cry. Cry! CRY! CRY!!! CRY!!!!

Awfully sanctimonious.

1) So 19,000 children have been kidnapped.

2) Russia invaded Ukraine without a declaration of war.

Special Military Operation is not a declaration of war although it makes Putin special.

3) Russia attacked through Belarus a neutral (?) country

4) Russia is using Iranian and Chinese weapons.

You are so full of it, your eyes are brown.

Roger29palms said...

My response to Putin's bunch is go back home where you belong. Find something useful and positive to do. Get a girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

WNU has a GF. I am beginning to think he does not know what to do.

Anonymous said...

Dnipro medical clinic was attacked by Russia, This should be the topic here.

Do not pretend that you care about Ukrainians. You smell like pure Russian.

Anonymous said...

War is coming home to roost.

If you believe the former Seal Team 6 leader, the Russian Navy is getting the hell kicked out of them north of Turkey. This navy is getting more and more bottle up.

That leaves the Russian air force. More attention will be paid and more Russian pilots will become one with their plane.

Anonymous said...

Why were the Americans there again? Oh yeah, to force their ideologies down the the throats of the Vietnamese. Kinda like what we’re trying to do in Ukraine and Russia. The big mistake being made is China not becoming more actively involved, as they will be next if Russia falls apart.

Anonymous said...

The fact that American equipment was used for such a risky operation, apparently against the White House’s wishes, must mean that the soviet built stuff has almost completely run out by now.

Anonymous said...

Good point, why do we care so much about Ukraine that we can’t stand to lose a single morsel of it? Why are Ukrainians more important than Americans? Why are we flirting with WW3 for these people? None of this has been explained.

Anonymous said...

"Oh yeah, to force their ideologies down the the throats of the Vietnamese."


All those Christian and Buddhist Vietnamese wanted to live under communism. Many in the North fled south after 1954 to get away from the communists. But the damn communist had to come after them to enslave them like good Bolshevik stooges.

Not to mention there were all those boat people that voted with their feet and left the socialist 'paradise'.

The only ideology being jammed down throats was socialism/communism.


or drink some vodka and let the ER extract the bottle.

Anonymous said...


Silly people. The story is about American weapons in Ukraine and attacking Russia. Of course this happened. Those equipment were new, not used. They were probably supplied by CIA or black box units. No surprise there. This is war. You do things like this in war. Question is , what will be Russian repsaonce, probably nothing.

But for US to say they were not involved? maybe not. But That is what you have Brits and PMCs for. So USA can have deniability.

Editor is right. Investigation HAHAHAHAHA. what a joke

Anonymous said...

You just justified Russias incursion into Ukraine, smartass. They are there to protect the minority Russian population from a nationalist government conducting an ethnic cleansing operation against them

Anonymous said...

I am 1:19

I do not justify any thing. That is another matter entirely. I nearly point to that of course the Americans supplied the equipment. This is a proxy war. These fools who used the equipment are American proxies. Brit or PMC help is just a fig leaf to hide the truth. The Russian people are correct. They are at war with the west.

Anonymous said...

119 aka fool

that would make the North Koreans and North Vietnamese Russian prxies.

Anonymous said...

The difference here is that it is as unambiguous as it gets that Zelensky isn’t driving the fight against Russia. The United States and England are openly and publicly giving him orders on what to do next. Right now they are ordering a counter offensive whether the Ukrainians are ready for it or not. The Ukes have been had and picked the wrong side. They won’t even exist in the coming years

Anonymous said...

"The difference here is that it is as unambiguous "

Russian were flying Migs for the North Koreans

There were many Soviet advisers openly in North Vietnam

There are reports of soviets in South Vietnam.

Split hairs go ahead. It just inviting a head stomp.

Anonymous said...

So this is a revenge operation stemming from Vietnam? Talk about a grudge. But if the Russians are fighting woke societies and the Green Party who wants us to live like hippies, I’m for the Russians. Ask how the Germans are doing these days 😂

Anonymous said...

From 1:19

call me a fool. That is fine. The NKs and Vets proxies of the Soviets or Chinese? Yes you are right. In the context of the Cold War, they were. Just like the Hungarians in 56 and the Czechs in 68 were proxies of the west.

Problem with that? Well not really. This is what happens in Big Power political struggle. Little people are used to hurt your opponents and help wear him down when you do not want to fight him yourself.

The Ukrainians? There are only 20 million left in the Ukraine. (put LA, Chicago and NYC together and you have bigger population ) The west will want to fight as long as they are willing to die. You don't see any Americans officially dying over there do you? No? why? They have their proxies to do the fighting for them.

Yes I agree with 4:38. Traditionalists in the West have more in common with the Russian orthodox that our own progressive weirdos.

Anonymous said...

12:12 go back to school you need reading comprehension

Anonymous said...

1:19 yes you a fool and you know it. we know it

Anonymous said...

4:58 very insightful

Anonymous said...

Slavs Rossiya