Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Moscow Claims It Destroyed A Patriot Missile Battery In Kyiv. U.S. Confirms Damage To Patriot Defense System in Kyiv Attack


RT: Patriot missile base in Kiev destroyed by hypersonic strike – Moscow 

The air defense system was hit by a Kinzhal rocket, the Russian Defense Ministry has said 

A precision strike by a Russian hypersonic Kinzhal missile has destroyed a Patriot air defense system in Kiev, the Defense Ministry in Moscow reported on Tuesday. 

The Ukrainian government previously claimed that Kinzhal missiles had been intercepted by the US-made weapons platform. 

The Russian military did not provide further details about the strike, which was the first time Moscow claimed to have hit the long-range system supplied to Ukraine by its Western backers. 

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WNU Editor: My Ukraine sources tell me that this Patriot battery was destroyed. These claims are now being backed-up by numerous videos on Ukraine social media showing (from a distance) a Patriot missile system firing a barrage of missiles that lasted for about two minutes. This was then quickly followed by explosions happening on the ground from where the missiles were launched (see video on tweet below).

Moscow Claims It Destroyed A Patriot Missile Base In Kyiv. U.S. Confirms Damage To Patriot Defense System in Kyiv Attack  

Russia’s Kinzhal Missile Destroys Patriot System in Kiev -- Sputnik  

Patriot missile defense system in Ukraine likely damaged -US sources -- Reuters  

U.S. Officials Confirm Damage to Patriot Defense System in Kyiv Attack -- New York Times  

U.S. Assesses Potential Damage to Patriot Missile System During Russian Strike on Kyiv -- WSJ  

Russia claims it 'destroyed' $1.1bn US air defence system in major attack on Kyiv -- Telegraph 

A US-made Patriot system was likely damaged in an 'intense' missile attack in Ukraine involving Russia's Kinzhal, US official says -- Business Insider  

Russia Hits Hi-Tech Patriot Missile System In Ukraine; US Assessing Damage -- IBTimes  

Russia Says It Took Out US-Supplied Patriot Missile In Hypersonic Strike On Kiev -- Zero Hedge  

US assessing potential damage of Patriot missile defense system following Russian attack near Kyiv -- CNN  

Russia likely damaged US-made Patriot missile battery – CNN -- RT


RussInSoCal said...

That Twitter video is strange. I counted closer to 30 patriot missiles launched with associated smoke trails that hang very visibly in the still air over Kiev. Then a flash at the source of the launch later in the video, but edited to frame with no residual launch smoke at all. And no incoming contrail.

When did the flash happen? An hour after or an hour before the patriot barrage? There's no time stamp for the patriot launch. That flash is likely a patriot misfire

I believe Russian hypersonic missiles are vulnerable to the new patriot pac-3 missile batteries.

fazman said...

I agree of course WNU Uncle at the laundromat says it was destroyed .

Anonymous said...

Its a war you win some you lose some.

Anonymous said...

Hey faz, you're right. I prefer your blog much better. What's its name again? I forget Oh yeah, silly me. You don't have a blog. Easier to take pot shots at those who do skank

fazman said...

Since you both graduated from the FSB together l both understand and forgive your bias .

Anonymous said...

This video shows that there were at least 3 to 4 launcher systems in action. Now whether or not any of them were destroyed, cannot really be determined.

But, since Fazman says nothing happened except that a laundry was hit.

We must in this case, now apply the Fazman rule.

Which, of course, has a 95% accuracy rate and therefore say that at least one launcher was destroyed or possibly all of them.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

The missile battery shoot is an escalation. Ukrainians will be given cruise missile to take out bomber and fighters at Russian bases to prevent more Patriot Batteries form being hit.

You brrought this on yourselves.

Anonymous said...

the more you believe a patriot missile defense system was damage or destroyed the more i pity you.

Anonymous said...

He used to be cool, now he's a skank. Tommies gonna tommy. Pommies gonna pommie.

Anonymous said...

Fazman rules!
his detractors are school dropouts who have nothing to say but simply badmouth those who are smarter, better, wiser.

Anonymous said...

Details on patriot missile defense damage cannot be disclosed but in favor of ukraine lol.

Can you think of a damge that can be repaired in ukraine. Slight damage due to blank and for you to guess.

Anonymous said...

in russian supporter's head it got hit. Atleast in their illusions to satisfy them.