Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Report On How Water Aboard Two US Aircraft Carriers Was Contaminated Is Released

A photo from social media of water from USS Nimitz (CVN-68) in September.  

USNI News: Procedural Problems, Maintenance Lapses Led to Water Contamination Aboard Carriers USS Nimitz, USS Abraham Lincoln 

Water contaminated with jet fuel accidentally pumped throughout aircraft carrier USS Nimitz‘s (CVN-68) potable water system and resulted in widespread contamination that made 11 sailors sick in September, according to an investigation the Navy released on Monday.

One week later, dirty bilge water contaminated the potable water supply aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) after entering the system through a hole in the piping, according to a separate investigation also released on Monday.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Looking at the picture above. Yup. There is definitely a problem. 

A summary of the report is here .... Investigations into 2022 potable water contamination aboard Nimitz and Abraham Lincoln complete ( 

Report On How Water Aboard Two US Aircraft Carriers Was Contaminated Is Released 

 No one knew a US aircraft carrier water tank had jet fuel in it until the unaware crew hooked it up to the drinking water system, Navy report says -- Business Insider  

Navy Investigation of Carrier Water Contamination Finds Crew, Equipment Failures --  

Navy details failures behind drinking water contamination on 2 carriers -- Stars and Stripes  

Bilge Water Leaks Forced Two Carriers to Return to Port Last Year -- Maritime Executive  

Navy Releases Findings from Probe into Water Contamination Aboard Carriers -- Times of Sandiego


Anonymous said...

That’s disgusting 🤢 🤮

Anonymous said...

looks fine to me

Anonymous said...

of course they will blame the crew and not the officers in charge. some things never change...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, looks fine, sir. just discard the petro-layer and filter particulate through a coffee filter

Anonymous said...

It was this way in the 1980's and 90's as well. At least some things never change.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand. Pipes, end caps and valve handles(wheels) are color coded and also stenciled.

The voids are something the crew could do, but there is mention of yard workers. There is the faint whiff of Admiral Kutzenov problems. The yard workers are or were not incompetent. they might be ornery, intractable, blue collar Democrats, but not incompetent. Money is not going into the right buckets.

@$$ Fockers are still sending money to the Taliban. For that Taliban money, you could paint every void on every carrier and still have money leftover for other paint jobs.

Anonymous said...

Reading the USNI article, one of the root causes was incomplete documentation going back to

the last Westpac. I hate a single root cause assumption.

For a ship there are

Refresher training for Damage Control
Light ex for boiler main propulsion ops
Carrier Qualifications
and many others.

So the paper work of what fluid went into what void did not get properly documented. I would be more than happy to keel haul somebody, but looking at the op temp and Operation and Maintenance, Navy (OMN), you have to ask yourself "Who could have kept up?".

I had no idea they used voids for more than one fluid. For ships trim/stability? Operational need for flight ops?

Dov Sar or Goldstein might know.

Never saw a piping schematic for this ship type, but obviously certain systems are connected for whatever reason.

You can't fire the Commander, Reactor Officer, without firing the previous CDR whose staff did not keep records up to date. I don't think they will receive a letter. Not sure that it would be fair.

I generically blame congress. They did look into steroids in baseball. That was important.