Monday, May 8, 2023

Russia Launches 'Biggest' Kamikaze Drone Attack Against Ukraine


Daily Mail: Putin launches largest drone swarm against Ukraine for months after Zelensky vowed Russia will be defeated 'as Nazism was' on eve of Moscow's Victory Day parades

 * Ukraine issued a nationwide air raid alert following drone and missile strikes 

 * Attacks mount as Russia prepares for Victory Day celebrations tomorrow 

Russia launched its biggest swarm of drones for months against Ukraine today after Volodymyr Zelensky vowed Russia will be defeated 'as Nazism was' on the eve of Moscow's dialled-down Victory Day parades. 

Officials said attacks hit cities including Kharkiv, Kherson, Kyiv, Mykolaiv and Odesa ahead of the May 9 victory day commemoration tomorrow, a symbolically important holiday for President Vladimir Putin. 

 In Kyiv, the city's mayor said Russia had fired 60 Iranian-made kamikaze drones at Ukrainian targets, including 36 at the capital, all of which had been shot down. Debris hit apartments and other buildings, injuring at least five people.  

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Russia Launches 'Biggest' Kamikaze Drone Attack Against Ukraine  

Ukraine war: Russia launches 'biggest' kamikaze drone attack -- BBC 

Russian missile and drone attack in Ukraine kills 23 people -- AP  

Russia attacks Ukrainian cities with drones and missiles -- Reuters 

Russia hits Ukraine with huge barrage of Iranian-made drones -- Politico  

Russia launches new wave of drone, missile attacks in Ukraine -- UPI 

Russia launches swarm of kamikaze drones in Ukraine amid 'security concerns' ahead of annual Victory Day -- ABC News Australia  

Russian Drone And Missile Attacks Target Ukrainian Cities -- RFE


Anonymous said...

Looks like that drone factory being built in Russia is complete. Time to Wolfenstein these Ethnic cleansing Ukrainian Nazis. ✌️ Z 🇷🇺 🏅

Anonymous said...

War will be longer when Russia keep on attacking.

Anonymous said...

Then Ukraine keep on defending.

fazman said...

Yes rhe ethnic cleansing, civilluan murdering, civillian infrastructure destroying SS Russian..Heil Putin

Anonymous said...

Cover up Fazman, your unjustified anti-Russian bias is fully exposed to the world

Anonymous said...

Why don’t any of you Uke cheerleaders question why the US hasn’t even tried once to broker negotiations for a peaceful resolution to this conflict? Instead they send shells and tanks to prolong it. The writing is on the wall here, clear as day. This is an east vs west war on the doorstep of Russia. Russia didn’t bring this conflict to us.

Anonymous said...

Love how every drone is an "iranian drone" in the msm, the same way every gun used in a mass shooting is an "assault rifle".

Anonymous said...

Why not address your concern to the one that all started it no other than Russia. Why keep blamingg a third party?

Anonymous said...

10 :22

Let me fix this for you

The one that provoked this war, none other than the United States by using its puppet proxy the Ukraine to goad the Russians by its incessant malicious , devious and cruel behavior.

Anonymous said...

Yea Faz, That is why those Ukie soldiers were wearing the Dirlewanger patch.

What a great group of humanitarians. Or why Azov shot those civilians in Bucha, or why the ukies killed those ukie Pows with thermobaric bombs or that the civilized ukies are stealing about 1/3 of all war supplies trying to get to the front lines.

That is why the Ukies are the best!! Right?

You are an ideological jerk who cannot see that both sides in this conflict have significant problems. And to try to paint the Russians as the incarnation of "evil" is just plain bull shit.

If anything, it is your transvestite LBGTQ Ukraine groupies who fit that description.

Like I have said before, If this crap leads to Nuke war, we can only hope that your home town gets hit first.

Anonymous said...

Amen 🙏

Anonymous said...

Blame the one with devious and cruel behavior you are saying about.

Anonymous said...

This faz guy lives on the other side of the world. It's a probably why he is such a bold dude. He thinks that if the shtf he will be just fine.

Anonymous said...

You can only hope Alice springs gets obliterated and Fazzy is down wind of the fallout.

Anonymous said...

60 kamikaze drones all shot down. Iran better stop fooling the Russians

Anonymous said...

When's the last time someone annexed a country? Memory foggy..

Anonymous said...

What a joke. Zelinski compares Russians to Nazis. Take about role reversal and the warping of history.

Tell us again, who were the allies and Supporters of Stephan Bandera?