Friday, May 19, 2023

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev Says U.S. Is Coordinating Deadly Attacks In Russia

Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolay Patrushev. © Sputnik/Sergey Guneev

Reuters: Putin ally accuses U.S. of involvement in deadly attacks inside Russia 

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A powerful ally of President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that the United States coordinated with Ukraine to kill two pro-war nationalists in Russia and to carry out attacks on critical national infrastructure in an effort to undermine stability. 

After Russia invaded Ukraine in February last year in what it called "a special military operation," the Kremlin accused the West of unleashing a proxy war against it. 

Darya Dugina, the daughter of a prominent Russian nationalist, was killed in a car bomb in August; pro-war blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, whose real name was Maxim Fomin, was killed in a bomb last month; and nationalist writer, Zakhar Prilepin, was wounded in a car bomb earlier this month. 

Russia also accused Ukraine of attacking the Crimean Bridge last October and accused the West of being behind blasts on the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: US had hand in assassinations of Dugina, Tatarsky, Russia’s top security official asserts (TASS)  

Update #2: Patrushev said US intelligence agencies coordinated Tatarsky’s murder and the explosion of Prilepin’s car (Eastern Herald)  

WNU Editor: Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev is, IMHO, the second most powerful leader in Russia after Putin. 

He has just publicly accused the U.S. of waging war inside Russia. 

Let that sink in.


Anonymous said...


Russia & China and their allies have been sending spies and saboteurs over the border into the Us for years.

Thank you Democrats.

Anonymous said...

So, what they were saying is that it is no longer a Cold War covert type situation.

It is overt. That means war.

But this Russian government is weak. I doubt they will do anything. Kind of like the US on the Mexican border.

Anonymous said...

Funny how we’re trying so hard to depose of Putin but aren’t looking at anyone who is going to replace him if we do. Very short sighted government we have in the west. Way to go Demonrats

Anonymous said...

The NAZIs were defeated a a premier was not named ahead of time to replace Hitler.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Karn the Undying

fazman said...

Lol, like they'd announce it

fazman said...

Wnu let what sink in ?, Putin is blah blah since day one. They could have CCTV of Jadon Bourne and they'd do nothing directly against nato, only ukraine .
Hes not suicidal.

Anonymous said...

Russians and supporters could always blame US and West but at the end of the day no one the could blame but their own fingers that is holding the triggers.

Point 1 finger to anyone and you are pointing 3 fingers at yourself.

Anonymous said...

Russia invades a sovereign nation and the West is trying to do this or that?
Russia is breaking up Russia

Anonymous said...

Your post makes no sense

Anonymous said...

de facto not sovereign

fazman said...

Sovereign in every definition

fazman said...

Name one that does lol

Anonymous said...

The worst is yet to come and they are now complaining 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣