Friday, May 19, 2023

Russia's Security Chief Warns A ‘Radioactive Cloud’ Is Threatening Western Europe After Depleted Uranium Ammo Was Destroyed In Ukraine

RT: ‘Radioactive cloud’ threatening western Europe – Russian security chief  

The hazard was produced by depleted uranium munitions destroyed in Ukraine, Nikolay Patrushev has claimed  

The destruction of depleted uranium shells in Ukraine has produced a radioactive cloud which has been blown toward Western Europe, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev, has claimed. 

The UK has supplied this type of munition to Ukraine to be fired from British-made Challenger tanks. The senior official revealed the purported threat during a government meeting on Friday, in which he accused the US of manipulating its allies to provide “help” to other nations that results in harm being done to the recipients. 

“They ‘helped’ Ukraine this way too, applied pressure to its satellites to supply depleted uranium munitions. Their destruction resulted in a radioactive cloud moving towards Western Europe. They have detected an increase in radiation in Poland,” Patrushev stated.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Radioactive cloud from Ukraine’s eliminated munitions drifts to Europe — Security Council (TASS)  

Update #2: Ukraine's Depleted Uranium Blast: Europe on Brink of 'Environmental Disaster' (Sputnik)  

WNU Editor: You would think that after Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolay Patrushev issued this nuclear warning there will be an official and public reaction to it. 

But as of this posting there has been no comment from any Western official. Zero coverage from the Western media. And no comment from the Ukraine government. 

But on Ukraine social media it is a different story. 

Many are worried and are pressing the Kyiv government to provide more information and assurances that there is no need for concern.


Anonymous said...

Russia can go to hell.

Anonymous said...

That’s not how depleted uranium works.

Anonymous said...

So. you have radioactive material. The material gets blown into millions of pieces, but as we know, it does not loose its radioactivity, it simply now exists as radioactive dust.

What is it that does not work? Wind takes dust down range. You get to ingest it or it goes to ground. Either way it is not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

"But as of this posting there has been no comment from any Western official. Zero coverage from the Western media. And no comment from the Ukraine government."

Might be something to do with the fact that depleted Uranium does NOT produce a radioactive cloud of any kind. The Russians didn't do their homework on this one. WNU of course would rather speculate and commit to the Russian-'Fact' than actually verify the science behind the claims. There's a good reason independent monitoring stations are not reporting this, because there is no such thing.

Editor again, once a mouth-piece for Kremlin, always a mouth-piece.

Anonymous said...

Once again

Do not try to obscure the issue.

DU did not produce the cloud. The other explosives with it did. The du that became dust in the explosion became "part" of the cloud and now is going down range.

You dunce: Do not accuse the editor of being a Kremlin mouth piece when all he does is relay what he sees.

Do your own critical thinking.

Anonymous said...

That is literally how a dirty bomb works. Radioactive material dispersed by conventional explosive. It is not a nuclear detonation, but the fallout can last a lot longer than one.

Why would you assume anyone was claiming a nuclear explosion? I have never once seen that. You are correct that is not what happened.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the westen press had nothing to report because what got said is bs from a Russian source trying to tighten NATO nations. Because one Russian said this took place does not make it a fact if he does not present any evidence. It is like Trump claiming he won the election. No evidence. Just BS.

Bob the impaler said...

DU is U238 with half life of over 4 billion years. It is also an alpha particle emitter, which can shielded by a piece of paper. It might be more dangerous chemically rather than its radioactivity. Also, if it a munition, it is going to pulverized anyway, whether it is destroyed by a Russian bomb or blowing up a Russian t-55.

Anonymous said...

When you vaporize a radioactive metal in a powerful explosion, and it is carried in a cloud by the wind, that is exactly what you get. A radioactive cloud. What are we missing here Dr Fauci?

Bob the impaler said...

Yep, I have a doctorate in inorganic (that involves radioactive metals too) chemistry and worked for the Navy and USDOE on nuclear weapons detection, mitigation, and sequestration programs. So I think I know what writing about.

Anonymous said...

Which would mean another source of radiation. What substance is radioactive and would be stored in a munitions depot?

Anonymous said...

Well better it pulverized in western Ukraine and blown further west over the people who sent the shit in the first place. Idiots

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for Obama or Clinton to make a statement...they seem to be Russian experts

fazman said...

A quick google shows you're right , and even if it was ..guess who's ultimately responsible?, Putin. There'd be no shells if he didn't partake in Napoleonic wet dream nazi inspired wet dream fantasy blitzkrieg

fazman said...

Who ultimately caused it to be there ?, who knowingly hit it knowing the risks ?, boy oh boy old Putin boy must really be worried about those challengers .

fazman said...

He is a Kremlin puppet , always citing secret sources lol.

Anonymous said...

That's right Fazzy

Old Vlad put a gun to the Brits head and said.... send DU rounds to the ukies now MFer!!

yes he did it himself.

Your logic is about as solid as jello on the wall.

What crap.

fazman said...

You're ridiculous, try and follow the course of events that required the shells to be sent?..cmon you can do it

Anonymous said...

Oh You mean how the US staged a coup in 2014. How the junta the put in New anti Russian laws. How the junta wanted to apply to NATO?
Or how the ukies killed about 14000 in the donbass. Yea I can follow thier slime trail.
But all have a choice. The
Brits did not have to send those du rounds, they are responsible. No one else

fazman said...

Apply to nato ..for good reason lol. At the end of the day the shells were supplied due to putins invasion ..simple. The fact that they are used by a handful of challenger 2s says a lot on how threatened he feels by this combination or he wouldnt have kniwingly hit it , no doubt more are on the way .

Anonymous said...

Fazman you and that Chris guy make no sense.

You all keep saying that the Russians are using decrepit T55 tanks and antiquated t72s.

If that is so, why do the ukies need DU rounds in the first place? A standard 120mm APFSDS round will do just fine.

Your logic and his does not add up. You cannot have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

Another reply with no logic. They sent the rounds because putin invaded?
Really ??.
under that logic you could say ...We nuked the orphanage because putin invaded.
Your nuts.
A more logical reason would be that Russian tanks had du armor or force fields and the DU rounds were necessary to face the threat.

But no fazzy we get your weak, half ass excuse for an answer which borders on the brainless.

Anonymous said...

You mean the series of events that started with a western backed and orchestrated coup d’état against the legitimate Ukrainian government? Is that where we start Dr Faz

Anonymous said...

you seem biased

Anonymous said...

pearls before swine

Anonymous said...

yes. And before.