Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Chief Justice Of Ukraine’s Supreme Court Has Been Arrested On Accepting $2.7 Million In Bribes


New York Times: The chief of Ukraine’s Supreme Court has been detained and accused of taking a $2.7 million bribe

The chair of Ukraine’s Supreme Court was removed from his post after being arrested in a bribery investigation, two anti-corruption bodies said on Tuesday. 

The agencies did not identify the chair by name, but said it was the Supreme Court chief. On Tuesday, Vsevolod Knyazev was dismissed as chief justice after an overwhelming majority of the court’s judges voted to strip him of the position, according to local news reports. 

The authorities accused the justice of accepting $2.7 million in bribes. 

“This is a dark day in the history of the court,” the court’s judges said in a joint statement. “We must be worthy and withstand such a blow.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I guess he liked to have a lot of $100 US dollar bills on hand (see above video). 

The Chief Justice Of Ukraine’s Supreme Court Has Been Arrested On Accepting $2.7 Million In Bribes  

Ukraine Supreme Court head arrested for 'bribery' -- Reuters  

Ukraine's Supreme Court chief justice was detained on suspicion of taking a $2.7 million bribe -- Insider  

Head of Ukraine’s supreme court held in anti-corruption investigation -- The Guardian  

Ukraine Supreme Court Head Accused Of Taking $2.7 Million Bribe -- RFE  

Media: Supreme Court head detained for accepting $3 million bribe -- Kyiv Independent  

Head Of Ukraine's Supreme Court Arrested For "Large-Scale Corruption" -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

this is the "democracy" we keep defending.

Also, when do we hang the WHO president for his clear and obvious attempt to take over the World and install a tyranny that would make Hitler blush?

Anonymous said...

Yesterday some genie was trying to say that Ukraine was not a black hole . Must of been Fazman, because guess what bud. wrong again.

Anonymous said...

...and the American Supreme Court and Justice "On The Take" Thomas?

Anonymous said...

That is not money corruption, like this guy. This Ukrainian was taking money for personal gain.

It is a totally different situation.

Thomas is being attacked for what he believes.

That is part of the American ideological war. Progressive democrats hate him. That is the bottom line.

Ukraine is a money pit. Every facet of that society is on the take. That is why it is such a black hole.

Anonymous said...

Some one committed a crime. Some one got arrested. This is a problem how?

Thomas's friend did not have business before the court. Soto Major business partner did and she did not recuse herself.

Anonymous said...

do some fucking research

Clarence Thomas billionaire friend had Supreme Court case | Fortune

fred said...

“My response to Mr. Crow eliminates any doubts as to the Finance Committee’s jurisdiction or our extensive legislative and investigative history on gift taxes, tax avoidance and evasion by the wealthy, and tax compliance overall,” Chairman Wyden said of his letter to Crow. “If Mr. Crow needs any further clarification, he might find it helpful to refer to the considerable amount of analysis his own law firm has done on the committee’s tax policy work. In Mr. Crow’s attorney’s response to my initial round of questions, he also argued that his client was somehow protected by the separation of powers between Congress and the judiciary. It goes without saying, but Mr. Crow is not a branch of government. My hope is that with the issue of committee jurisdiction settled, Mr. Crow provides answers to the questions I’ve put before him a second time. I realize the committee may need to follow another route to compel his answers, and I’m prepared to make that happen.”

Anonymous said...

8:07 is probably also our charming and polite former, retired Fred.

"The Crow family had a non-controlling interest in the company at the time,"

Read the article to see if it supports your narrative before full frontal Fred.

"and no noted dissents. "

Must have been a weak case or no case.

Anonymous said...

"Crow Holdings, a privately owned development and investment firm that manages the Crow family’s capital, held less than a 50% stake in Trammell Crow Residential, and wasn’t involved in its operations, Harlan Crow’s office told Bloomberg."

The above statement is either true or false. It is up to the plaintiff to prove it is true.

Next we will have to explain the ABC's to the benighted.

Anonymous said...

If a certain someone went beyond the title to read the nut graf, they are putting in overtime.

When they goon to read the whole lede, it is double overtime.

When they read the whole article, it is an epic voyage on par with Jason and the Argonauts.

Anonymous said...

He got caught because he cheated another Ukrainian power broker out of the graft.

Anonymous said...

"The justices maintain their own lists of names and companies that get checked for conflicts as new cases come in. They typically don’t read all of the initial briefs if they reject a case based on a summary drafted by a law clerk, a system used by most of the justices. Although there were multiple parties in the 2004 case, the corporate entity listed first didn’t have “Trammell Crow” in its name."

Yes, we got the full frontal today. Need brain bleach.

Anonymous said...

Th guys at Hanover are on over time. I like how they turned this thread from a topic of a corrupt ukie judge to one about Clarence Thomas

Good work boys , you earned a bonus today.

Anonymous said...

"Judges repeatedly ruled against Womack+Hampton. They held that, at most, the firm would be entitled to “reuse” fees laid out in contracts – sums in the tens of thousands of dollars, not millions – and that the contract did allow Trammell Crow Residential to hire other architects and incorporate the designs. The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a federal district judge’s judgment."

I suppose you could copyright r patent an apartment design. Apparently, Womack+Hampton did not. So it is down to what contract law stipulates.

Not as close to home as what Sort of Major did:

"Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor didn't recuse herself from multiple cases involving a book publisher - Penguin Random House - which paid her more than $3 million since 2010, according..."

ustice Sonia Sotomayor didn’t recuse herself from cases involving publisher that paid her $3M

Yep, the full frontal

Anonymous said...

Fred is not a guy at Hanover. He is a white collar, former university professor, who has less wisdom than an 18 year old blue collar worker.

Anonymous said...

How do you know so much about Fred? You guys neighbors?

Hans Persson said...

I really hope this war isn't a gigantic money laundering scheme...

Anonymous said...


The Bidens and many others in DC were laundering tax payer money through Ukraine before 2021 for years. There will be no prosecutions. Why risk a war to launder money when you are already doing it?

Anonymous said...

"How do you know so much about Fred?"

Fred posted under his name enough times over the past 7 years and in a strident, partisan and illogical way. So it is not too hard to pick up on his posts signed or unsigned. A troll aping his illogical outbursts would complicate things.

Hans Persson said...


Yes I'm fully aware of the shenanigans over there. I've heard a lot of stories about a would-be pipeline in syra back in 2008 or something and it might be the reason to all of this.

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

If they are going to war over a pipeline, then it says we are not a Democracy, democratically elected republic or whatever.

That is the sort of things the kings of Assyria did.

There are plenty of legit reasons to go after Assad.

- Harming American in Lebanon
- Assisting Jihadis entering into Iraq.
- R2P, if you have the money and time and explained it to the public.
- If the Saudis asked us, because they are concerned about the Sunni.

Yeah, I heard about the pipeline angle too.