Friday, May 12, 2023

Two-Mile Homeless Camp Takes Over In California’s Posh Marin County


Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Shocking images show the TWO-MILE long vehicle encampment - made up of people living in RVs, trucks and trailers - along Highway 101 north of San Francisco as low income people are pushed out of the housing market 

* The average household income in the county is $131,000, with 78 percent of homeless locals living in the area before being forced to the encampment 

* Pictured taken by show families living in tents and using portable barbeques as their belongings spill out of the RV's 

* The state has been handed more than $3million to try to help those living in the vehicles find homes 

Hundreds of locals in one of San Francisco's wealthiest counties have been forced to pack up their lives into RVs and trailers after being pushed out of the housing market. 

Shocking photos show the ever-growing line of trucks and other vehicles along 101 Highway – which now stretches over two miles in one of the largest encampments in the country. 

Cities in Marin County, where on average homes cost $1.4million, are pushing for the line along the highway to end after the number of residents living in their cars ballooned during the pandemic.  

Read more ....  

Update: Liberal Utopia: Two-Mile-Long Vehicle Encampment Spotted In California (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction on America's homeless crisis. It is going to get worse.


Anonymous said...

A dying and decaying superpower. How do you fix this without completely gutting and replacing the government on both state and federal levels? Here is an easy prediction: the United States is going to start WW3, if it hasn’t already.

Anonymous said...

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction on America's homeless crisis. It is going to get worse.

Obama: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

"If economic growth is driven by useful exergy—which is the product of primary energy (exergy) input to the economy times the efficiency with which it is converted to work—slowing efficiency gains will act as a drag on economic growth."

You make energy expensive, you make living expensive.

By design the Democrats are making energy expensive.


Russia started the war.

No we are going to kick their ass.

Bakhmut is falling. The Russians are on the run. They run pretty fast too.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Do try to colour within the lines child

Anonymous said...

It is a chump's game to blame homelessness on one or the other party when in fact all you need do is goggle to see how rents have skyrocketed and new cars are beyond many and used car prices are very high and wages are not keeping up with inflation. We see homeless in just about every nation in the world. It is not simply an American issue, and it was there under Trump and remains there under Biden.
When you see thousands of Veterans homeless and you see young kids living in cars when not in school, then you can see how big a problem this is. There are, for example, peopople with full-time jobs who are homeless but go from where they hang out their their jobs and then back to their encampment.
Want to Blame Biden? Then tell us what Trump did about the situation before he lost to Biden.

Anonymous said...

Just 4 years ago - before the coup and the leaked virus - America was doing great.

Anonymous said...

Cost of energy goes into the cost of cars, homes, apartment.

If you think of the cost of energy like a VAT tax, then you understand that at every step in production an increase in energy prices appears again and again.

The inflation in energy prices goes beyond filling up the tank or your utility bill. I would not expect a former, retired BULLSH*T artist to know this.

Trump made us energy independent. People generally can succeed and do so more easily , when inflation is not great than 2 or 3 percent per year. Stable energy prices tames or retards inflation.

Seems to be a blue state problem.

Homelessness was low under Trump.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Homelessness was on the decline, thanks to President Trump.

Anonymous said...

"I would not expect a former, retired BULLSH*T artist to know this."
only a creep with a very low class background says shit like this. Shame on your parents for raising you.

Homeless went up, not down, under Trump
Homelessness in the US exploded before the pandemic

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha hahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

Homelessness by Year per Statista

2016 549
2017 553
2018 552
2019 567
2020 580
2022* 582

What we have in 3L54 PM is a lying @ss troll.

Anonymous said...

it's fascinating to watch how nearly 400 million people - intelligent people among them - are being misled by the media and just accept a complete destruction of their economic power, culture, safety, everything.

You just sit there.

You just believe that Biden won. A guy who campaigned from his basement and could not pull any crowds. And then you believe the election.. you ignore everything from poll suppression, to slander and russia hoaxes..

You are being impoverished and misled. And you just take it. You accept the theft and the demonic presence that is spreading.

Anonymous said...

Troll at least get most of your facts straight. There are 300 to 340 million in the US not 400. A few more fuck ups and they will send you to Bakhmut.

Anonymous said...

the homeless increase yearly. Why? cost of living increases yearly. Rents increase, buying cars costs more yearly, buy a house costs more yearly: salaries do not go up to compensate for rising costs...and that causes an increase in homelessness! If you can not see that then you need not argue here.
and for the person who still believes Trump won the election: wow. how many court cases did Trump lose in trying to prove he won here and there? every single one: that is some 30 of them.
Now present evidence that he won. Hard evidenceE! asserting something does not make it so.

Russia is floating a plan to build a village for conservative Americans who want to move to a 'Christian country' and are tired of liberal ideology in the US

Anonymous said...

Here is a study that makes a clear and objective case for why homelessness in America has been increasing yearly in the U.S., and it is NOT the fault of this or that party. Stop trying to blame one party for the mess and try instead to understand facts, evidence, on what has been taking place here:

America’s Homelessness Crisis Is Getting Worse

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden laughed off President Donald Trump's suggestion Friday that the former vice president is too old to run for the Oval Office.

Anonymous said...

Russian disinformation

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:03. Your right on this one lefty. This is a combined effort. Of. THE BLOB.

But I have to say your progressive buddies have done the heavy lifting g I the last 25 years

Anonymous said...

Your right on this one lefty. This is a combined effort. Of THE BLOB.

Yes your blobber friends did this going all the way back to the late 70s when they started sending Heavy industry overseas. Then came NAFTA, repeal to glass Steagall and a host of other bullshit policies.

But I have to say your progressive buddies have done the heavy lifting In the last 25 years

Anonymous said...

Age and mental capacity are two different things.

Anonymous said...

From 2018 to 2022, homelessness went up 5% over 4 years. Not good but not huge. We have the pandemic and we have the free flow of drugs.

The Demoocrats are all for the free flow of drugs and illegals. What do illegals do. Drive up the demand for housing and drive down wages.

The ball is firmly in the Democrats court. they are to blame.

What a labor market where people get paid more? End illegal immigration.

Anonymous said...

both sides are wrong, right would be to camp in a place without spoiling tourism, another the state with horrors of salary without giving due aid or basic service for income

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The blame Trump tards are funny. Nearly 12 years (thus far) under Obama and Biden versus 4 years under Trump. But it's Trump's fault, ain't it? Not a Trump fan myself, but the vitriol would be quite funny if it weren't so freakin sick.

Anonymous said...

stop bitching. Open a food truck and sell sandwhiches and coffee

Anonymous said...

Idiots. Systematic failure like this cannot be blamed on one administration.

This long term BLOB created problem. Yes The BLOB or if you prefer , The Capital District .

But some administrations did help accelerate the Rot.
You can fight among yourselves to figure out which ones.

But until you wake up and realize that both are slowly poisoning you and your society, you are lost.

Hans Persson said...

Interesting that some here seems to think homeless didn't exist before Trump and is caused by him.

This is what happens when people get dependant on the government and media.

Anonymous said...

Oh it was there. It started to get bad in the late ninteys and only accelerated from there.

Saw it grow with my own eyes. The product of progressive liberal values and globalist economic policy. Twin poisons to any culture or nation.

This is why the Chinese, Orban, and the Russians reject this crap. It is a dead end road.

Anonymous said...

I bought a pair of Crocks. They are made in China. why? cheap labor. How many American outfits, citizens, hire illegals for cheap and good labor? You encourage illegals to come here when you hire to cut your lawn, work on your house, work in factories.

Anonymous said...

Right. Part of the problem. You pay an honest days wage for an honest days work. That went out the window,.

So you pay Pablo and Juan to pick lettuce at 5 dollars an hour so that lettuce only costs a 3 dollars. Because if you paid Frank and Tom 20 bucks an hour to pick lettuce that head of lettuce would cost 6 dollars.

But in the long run it is worth it.

Frank and Tom pay taxes and are working. You do not have huge amounts of money being sent out of country for remittances.
And you do not have you borders flooded 40 years later.

But the blobbers won out and 40 to 50 years ago. And the situation has evolved and gotten worse. A lot worse.

That's what you get when your BLOB politicians are greedy, your unions are corrupt and your news industry supports the liberal idea that immigration is " good"