Sunday, May 21, 2023

Ukraine Expands Weapons Training For Children

Zero Hedge: Ukraine Expands Weapons Training For Children As Bakhmut Reportedly Falls 

Only two months ago the mainstream media widely circulated a video which they said showcased "shocking footage" of Russian school children training with military weapons in programs designed to prepare them for the military. The programs were widely criticized as "indoctrination." 

Of course, Ukraine has also been involved in weapons training for children and these efforts have only increased in recent months as the city of Bakhmut, an epicenter of the fighting for many months, has reportedly fallen to Russia's Wagner Group. CNBC has briefly reported on the “Defense of Ukraine” program at the military-patriotic center for schoolchildren in Lviv. The center was opened this month with plans to open dozens of other training facilities for children across the country in the near future.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: WNU has been covering this story for months .... Ukrainian Girls Going To War (February 17, 2023). 

It is far worse than what is being reported.


Anonymous said...

This is barbaric. This is Hitler in Berlin putting litte kids in HY uniforms in the street to fight.

Sick. But like I said last week when those ukie so called diplomats caused a fight while that lady was trying to speak.

By all thier past actions, when you deal with the Ukies, you really are dealing with a bunch of thugs.

Anonymous said...

I see why russia was targetting women and children.

fazman said...

Lol , difference in training a generation to defend their homes while their mother is being raped, and dad executed , than preparing a Russian bot.

fazman said...

Their idea of a pre emptive strike

Anonymous said...

"This is barbaric," says 1:16, the Putler troll.

What's barbaric is Russia targeting schools, hospitals, children. What's barbaric is Russia's entire unlawful, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

When your entire livelihood is under threat and you have nothing to lose, you will absolutely see children defending their homeland.

fazman said...

Good news is looks rhe patriot has just spanked Putins backside again , SU35 shot down . Those kids sure do learn fast.

fazman said...

He uses war criminal logic , l suppose without the Russians and people with his warped logic it would be harder to identify the good guys.

Anonymous said...

5:41 they should be more concerned with western interests who are escalating the war and their own corrupt leadership

fazman said...

You mean like how the U.S escalated the war by helping Russia and Britain

Anonymous said...

What's truly barbaric is Russian soldiers raping, murdering, and abducting Ukrainian children.

Anonymous said...

So is sending men to their death to hold a city they knew they couldn't hold. So is sending arms and money when we can't defend our own interests or even support our own citizens. Training children to fight? Sick fucks you send them OUT of the country. The Russian force isn't big enough to push beyond eastern Ukraine but thier war economy is way ahead of NATO. I mean the whole thing is barbaric to say the least but the lack of diplomatic efforts from the U.S. is just sickening. They actually want WW3... which to me is just their latest attempt at population control/ reduction since Covid couldn't do it. Gotta ramp up that artillery production while homeless and poverty rages. Horrible time to be alive.

Anonymous said...

Put this in your head read 5x

Without illegal occupiers there will be nothing to defend.

Without illegal occupiers there will be nothing to defend.

Without illegal occupiers there will be nothing to defend.

Without illegal occupiers there will be nothing to defend.

Without illegal occupiers there will be nothing to defend.

Anonymous said...

Fazman am with you.

Anonymous said...

uh 🙄

Anonymous said...

Illegal occupiers 🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

You guys watch too much TV.

Anonymous said...

i know. just surrender if you don't like it.

Anonymous said...

So fazman says it's ok to train little kids to fight. Once again the Fazman rule applies.

No it is not.

You all who agree with that rot, are bunch of blood sucking ideological perverted scum.

There is NO justification for sending kids into a combat zone.
You scum need to be executed by hanging for supporting this crime. I do not care if you are a ukie, somolia russian or Japanese...there in no excuse. There is no justification.
You all have no moral compass. You probably belive in sacrificing babies to Moloch also.
You are not men. You are scum. Lowest of the low, in the same category with pedophiles and ghouls.
For the good of western civilization and everything we hold dear as a nation...Guys like you need to be shown no mercy.

Anonymous said...

Training kids early is different from sending kids, i d i o t s

Anonymous said...

Concur. Training kids to shoot or firearms training is ok. But to train them to go into a combat zone and to support such an idea is not.

It is f`d up beyond all recognition and anyone who supports such an idea needs to have the living crap beat out of them.