Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Ukraine Soldiers Now Fleeing Bakhmut (Video)


WNU Editor: Last week there was a great deal of Western media attention on Ukraine's counteroffensive that targeted the Russian flanks around Bakhmut. And today, the media in Ukraine are pushing this story .... Defense Ministry: Ukraine's military regains 20 square kilometers near Bakhmut (Kyiv Independent). 

The Ukraine and Russian sources that I trust are now both in agreement that the reason why Ukraine launched their counteroffensive last week was to open escape routes for the soldiers who are pinned in Bakhmut. There are still thousands of Ukrainian forces trapped at the edge of Bakhmut, and they need to get out now. 

The above video from the Military Summary channel provides a good analysis on what is happening.


Anonymous said...

Jesus it was just this morning I was watching NBC brag about ground being retaken in Bakhmut by Ukrainian forces. And there’s lots of video out there of that Patriot missile site being blown to smitherines. Hard to argue against that. Score two for the freedom fighters this last few days. Score even more for team Trump state side as well. The evil is being exposed and the good guys are starting to fight back.

Anonymous said...

See, once again.

Validation of the Fazman rule.

Works every time.
Just like the Cramer Inverse ETF.

You just cannot make this stuff up.

Anonymous said...

war will destroy your souls of destiny u fools please stop it

Anonymous said...

look at the sky and ask god 4 forgiveness in the midnight and b true about it

Anonymous said...

Funny how russians and its supporters love doing propagandas in their favor after the wagnee boos himself told everything that they are loosing. Be happy continue hallucinating you need that.

Anonymous said...

The old dude who has the blog is a Putin Dick Rider no life but yet talks like hes really helping are you really helping Ukraine or you just talk from your ass since you cant go and see shit from your own old punk this is why America is the shit hole it is thanks to people like you a bullet or words dont hurt you i know but know in the next life you will become a fucking worm to feed another a fish and the fish I will eat .