Saturday, May 20, 2023

U.S. And EU Officials Say Ukraine Has Only Five Months To Demonstrate “Battlefield Advances” In Order To Continue Receiving Aid

A Ukrainian soldier during military training in the Donetsk region on Thursday. © BERNADETT SZABO (Reuters)  

El Pais: Kyiv, EU fear that US support for Ukraine will wane if counteroffensive is unsuccessful 

The Ukraine war is entering a phase that is expected to be decisive. The eyes of the world are on the imminent counteroffensive from Kyiv, which has been stockpiling NATO-supplied armaments, and Ukraine’s present and future of Ukraine will depend on what gains the armed forces are able to make in the big push. Both the government of Volodymyr Zelenskiy and its western allies are fully aware of this, as is the Kremlin. With the stakes so high, the European Union is concerned that if the counteroffensive fails the support of the United States — which is mired in a period of high tension in domestic politics and with the 2024 presidential elections on the horizon — will begin to wane.  

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Update #1: Ukraine War: Kyiv’s allies fear military support will dry up in US election year (First Post)  

Update #2: Ukraine has ‘five months left’ to impress US – FT (RT)  

WNU Editor: I do not see the US ending aid to Ukraine anytime soon. Too much has been invested in this conflict, and with the US election cycle starting in a few months, the current US administration is not in a position to lose face if Ukraine should fall.


Anonymous said...

Russia is falling. it is like a house sitting pretty and everything is intact form the foundations to the roof. One day a sinkhole opens up. it had been undermined for a long time unbeknownst to the occupants. Then WHAMMO!

Anonymous said...

Biden Keeps Kamala Harris Far Away from Debt Ceiling Negotiations; Veep Attends WNBA Game, Spending Weekend in Los Angeles With “No Public Events Scheduled”

Anonymous said...

The ground still hasn't dried out yet. No one can go on any offensive right now. Don't expect one from either side until July.

Anonymous said...

WNU keeps waving around fortifications like it was some sort of magical talisman.

you find a bunker, you call artillery or the air force. You hit it with a bunker buster. and move on to the next one. You make a hole in the line, you can attack bunkers from the rear. that can be like shooting fish in a barrel.

if the bunkers are too widely spaced or otherwise ill supported you can all but frontally attack them by maneuvering around the flanks a little and hut them with satchel charges, Bangalore torpedoes (more for wire), flame throwers, tanks etc.

Tanks are not primarily to hit tanks. They are t hit hard points like bunkers.

A line of bunkers can be a real bitch, but it matters more who has the better combined arms and the momo.

Anonymous said...

Pffft, wishful thinking is all that is.

Anonymous said...

Depends on the line and depth of the fortifications and obstacle belts.

Too complex and too well defended, you got three choices

A. Try to fight thru them like ww1
B. Go around/ bypass them
C. Blow a hole in them. Example ..operation cobra in ww2

Problem is ukies do not have enough arty or aircraft to blow a hole in the lines. Now as I said before, if they got a hold of 1 or 2 moabs, they might have a chance.
Otherwise good luck.

The Russians have had more than enough time to build a hard defense.
Saw the pictures last year when they started the process.