Sunday, May 21, 2023

U.S. Navy Says It Is Ready To 'Fix' Its Slow Computers

Sailors stand watch in the Fleet Operations Center at the headquarters of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet (Navy)  

Federal News Agency: Navy ready to start implementing fixes to notoriously slow computers 

The Navy thinks it has some answers to the “fix our computers” problem, and those answers can’t come soon enough. Officials estimate the service is losing about one man-year of productivity every single day by virtue of how long it takes employees to log into their desktops and laptops — and that figure only accounts for the service’s workforce within the five walls of the Pentagon. 

The Navy’s latest attempt to improve user experience will also start inside the Pentagon, where all of its users could start seeing major improvements by next month. That choice was made partly because, for even the most senior leaders there, the experience is far from good.  

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WNU Editor: This problem has been ongoing for years .... How the Navy wants to fix its woefully antiquated computer systems (Navy Times).


Anonymous said...

common problem in the us gov. lots of old computers. Up until 3 years ago the missisle silos still used 8" floppies

Anonymous said...

so theyll be on Vista now?

Ron said...

Hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars every year to the Military. Always buying overpriced systems they can't account for, and they couldn't find the resources to upgrade computer systems to stay efficient. Somewhere there are admirals with a chest full of ribbons even though they ran the Navy into the ground. Wouldn't an audit sort all of this out. oh yeah, I forgot. the DOD refuses to conduct an audit.

Hans Persson said...

Hear hear.