Wednesday, May 17, 2023

U.S. Updates Data On Its Nuclear Arsenal In A Bid To Pressure Russia To Do The Same

Bloomberg: US Updates Data on Nuclear Arsenal, Goads Kremlin Over Secrecy 

(Bloomberg) -- The Biden administration updated the status of its deployed nuclear forces while taking a dig at Russian opacity two months after the Kremlin left a landmark arms-control treaty. 

The US will continue a “tradition of transparency despite Russia’s purported suspension of New START,” the State Department said in a statement Monday, referring to the treaty signed in 2010 that limited the number of nuclear warheads the two nations can deploy at any one time. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin suspended participation in the treaty on Feb. 21, eliminating inspections and data exchanges needed to verify commitments under the last accord between the two powers that restricted their nuclear arsenals. US President Joe Biden called the decision a “big mistake.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: After last year's attack on a base that housed part of Russia's nuclear strategic forces .... Blasts Rock Two Major Air Bases Deep Inside Russia. Ukraine Drone Strike Suspected (December 5, 2023), and coupled with the fact that Russia now sees itself in an undeclared war against the U.S., there is no way that Russia is going to share any data with the US in regards to its military. 

For all intents and purposes. U.S. - Russian nuclear talks and arms control is now dead, and will be for years to come. 

U.S. Updates Data On Its Nuclear Arsenal In A Bid To Pressure Russia To Do The Same  

Pressing Russia, US shares nuclear warhead data under treaty -- AFP 

U.S. releases nuclear warhead stats, presses Russia on New START Treaty -- UPI  

US releases nuclear warhead data in bid to pressure Russia -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

more blubbering

the national socialists were in an undeclared war with Britain, France and the international socialists when they invaded Czechoslovakia

no way putler was going to recreate the soviet empire and satellite states and sit pretty

Anonymous said...

I don't think the US has ever been led by this many silly people, percentage-wise.

I just hope that when Magna Russia is recreated that Sevastopol is not forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Sevastopol, California I mean

Anonymous said...

I don't think the US has ever been led by this many venal people paid for by the Russian government.

your rubles at work

'"Hunter Biden had no interest in and was not a co-founder of Rosemont Seneca Thornton, so the claim that he was paid $3.5 million is false," Mesires said in an email.'

Hunter Biden Received a $3.5 Million Payment From Ex-Moscow Mayor's Wife, Republican Report Says

There's that name Rosemont Seneca.

there is the fact that Bidens got paid though a maze of 20+ shell companies which many of them were LLCs.

Anonymous said...

All Earth governments have fallen u fools

Anonymous said...

Why keep on die 4 a country

Anonymous said...

Jesus did it alone with destiny

Anonymous said...

U must stop 2 listen we r 4ever

Anonymous said...

Lie's are powerful u fools

Anonymous said...

Warning 2 your soul

Anonymous said...

We r the book 2 life but must listen and look at sky night u will feel it

Anonymous said...

Jesus loves Hunter

Anonymous said...

only a fool would believe the shit tossed at Hunter till a reliable source has found solid evidence and had an indictment and brought to trial. All the crap made up, crack-induced, biased stuff is without legal standing or merit and is the bullshit shoveled out by small minds with time off from dishwashing jobs at fast food places.
If you have solid proof, present it.
Not YouTube junk. Not someone says something somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Hunter 🤭

Anonymous said...

Hillary's laptop! Hillary's lap!
Disbar Barr

Anonymous said...

Word salad. Is this a pro Biden crime family rant. Honestly can’t tell

Anonymous said...

No, it is just some loser who does pseudo religious apocalyptic comments and multiple of them to see himself online or to destroy comment threads with clutter. he was gone for 2 or 3 years and now he is back. Or it could be FSB or USAF persona form their persona management software.

Whoever or whatever is hinders the free discussion of ideas and that I think is the whole point.

Nothing that MS-13 could not solve.

Anonymous said...

What's a matter 11:24, it didn't bother you a bit to make false accusations!

Anonymous said...

No, I think he sees the final truth. All our bickering will come to naught.
The plan has been and is currently in effect.
Each event builds apon another one.
Evil is destined to win and that is why it gets worse every day.
When Christ returns, it will be because the evil that is winning will be so horrendous, that it will need to be finally destroyed.
Thus saith the prophets of old.

Anonymous said...

As much as I like a good preacher that went to seminary and learned ancient Greek and Hebrew to read the original texts, I am more than happy to shitcan street preachers and similar people, who pretend to preach to stir things up.

It relates to pre-A/C college classrooms and some idiot with bottle in a brown paper bag screaming n the quad about Christ.

Yes, the self-appointed 'preacher' had a GF. Go figure. No idea where that @ssholes money came from. Not a good way to take a test when someone is hollering.

Being an @asshole pretend preacher on the internet does not make it any better.

Anonymous said...

hitlers dreems come true the 9 nations with nukes