Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Yesterday Was A Bad Day

I got news late Monday night that a good friend of mine, someone that I have known for 25 years, was killed in the war. 

He voluntarily joined the Ukraine military on the first day of invasion. Defended Ukraine in the Kherson region. After Kherson was transferred to Bakhmut where he was killed on the first day of his deployment. 

He was buried yesterday on the Alley of Fame at the Far Eastern Cemetery in the city of Mark. 

But when it rains it pours. 

 I am a caregiver to my 97 year-old mom. 

She has dementia (she is at level 6 on a scale of 7) and is now in poor health. The family made the decision during Covid that she stay at my home. That it would be best that she be in surroundings that she knows, and with people that care and love her.

In the past few weeks her health has been deteriorating slowly but surely. Yesterday was a particularly bad day. She can easily pass away tonight .... or still be here 6 months from now. But I see the end coming, and I am preparing myself as best that I can for it.

During this time I will blog when I can. And when I cannot, it is because of what is happening in my home.


Bert Bert said...

Stay strong. I'm hoping happier days are coming for you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss. War is a terrible thing for everyone 😞

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss man death is a terrible cold thing no glamour/honor or any of the other shit Hollywood would like us to believe

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you sir. Been following this blog for a long time and I believe you are a good man. Condolences on your friend and best wishes to your mother. May brighter times be upon us sooner than later

Anonymous said...

You add so much. Sorry to hear the sad news in your life.

Anonymous said...

Take care of your Mom, You will be blessed for that.

Your friend dying? It is always hard.
"Ich hatt' einen Kameraden". it never ends

It is as Hemingway said, "war is a crime"

I wish you the best. Remember your friend and when you do. remember that he no longer walks the earth. And you are still lucky because you can. Gratitude is the beginning of all virtue.

May the Good Lord Bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Condolences on the loss of your friend. Praying for strength for you and your mother.

DinoB said...

Lots of Positive Energy your way

Anonymous said...

One day all the pain and suffing will be over.

Rev 21:4 KJV
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Anonymous said...

I just went through that not long ago with my mother in law who lived with us. Do the best you can, but when they do go, they go extremely fast and it is difficult for all.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

You are a good son. Share the Gospel with her.

Gadfly Soeck said...

I faced this with my mother. There are tough decisions to be made. I had a simple rule for the doctors: if you can fix her, fix her. If she’s dying, let her die. I wouldn’t let some minor thing boost her along, but neither would I let them do anything to drag out the inevitable.

Gadfly Speck

Hans Persson said...

Stay strong WNU editor, even tho we moron's here in the comments may be very difficult at times 🤗

Adam said...

Very sorry to hear WNU. I know you've always been very close to your mother and are a very good son. I've been following the blog since early 2010 and appreciate all the work you do. I sincerely hope that you have some good time left together. We'll see you when we see you. All the best.

Unknown said...

best wishes in this difficult time

Anonymous said...

Will say a prayer for you. Not just thoughts, an honest to God prayer for continued strength. May you know the peace of the Savior, who IS peace and life.

Nicolas Darkwater said...


Alexandre Pereira Magalhães said...

Espero que fique tudo bem. Eu estou escrevendo um filme sobre o mundo e retiro daqui ideias para o seu conteúdo. Fique bem toda família.

Anonymous said...

Im sorry to hear about your loss of a good friend and your mothers health. May God be with you during this difficult time in your life.

Anonymous said...

We are with you WNU editor God be with your honored Mother

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your mother and loss of your friend.
