Sunday, June 25, 2023

Moldova Bans A Pro-Russian Political Party That Was Surging In The Polls

Moldova bans pro-Russian opposition Shor Party © IntelliNews  

Reuters: Moldova bans pro-Russian Shor party after months of protests 

CHISINAU (Reuters) -Moldova's Constitutional Court on Monday banned the pro-Russian Shor party that has led months of protests and is headed by an exiled businessman accused by the West and the government of trying to destabilise the country. 

The court declared the party led by Ilan Shor, who lives in Israel, unconstitutional. Its decision triggered an immediate ban and the justice ministry will create a commission to complete all legal procedures for the party's dissolution. 

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WNU Editor: Inflation has battered the Moldovan economy and is responsible for the instability in the country, not the opposition party that is advocating different set of policies. 

Moldova Bans A Pro-Russian Political Party That Was Surging In The Polls  

Pro-Russian party banned in Moldova after coup warnings -- Politico  

Moldova bans pro-Russia party following months of protests over inflation -- WION  

Moldova bans pro-Russian Shor party after months of protests -- Al Jazeera  

A European country has banned an opposition party that was surging in the polls. Why aren't you hearing more about it? -- RT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Typical hypocrisy. If this happened in to a movement friendly to the US they would be screaming right now.

Just like Hong Kong.
But when a anti West group gets crushed. Democracy dies in The darkness.

What a joke