Sunday, June 25, 2023

New Book Claims Russia And US Narrowly Avoided A Major Conflict In Syria

US marines on patrol near the US al-Tanf military base on the Syrian border - Shutterstock © Shutterstock   

The Telegraph: Russians 'threatened US base with destruction' in Syria 

The US and Russia came close to engaging in a direct military confrontation in Syria after the Russians threatened an American special forces base at the height of the civil war, it can be revealed. 

US commanders threatened to respond with military force after the Russians ordered American special forces to leave their base “or face destruction”. 

After the special forces had dispersed into the Syrian desert as a precautionary measure, General Stephen Townsend, the commander of the US-led coalition’s Combined Joint Task Force, contacted his Russian opposite number to send him an ultimatum: “Are we talking or are we fighting.” After a brief pause, during which the Russians weighed up their options, they replied: “We are talking.” 

The response helped to defuse a major crisis between US and Russian forces operating in Syria during the civil war, which could easily have escalated into a major confrontation between Moscow and Washington.

Read more ....  

Update: Russia and US narrowly avoided major conflict in Syria – Telegraph (RT)  

WNU Editor: This incident happened in 2017, but tensions continue between the two countries in Syria .... US Commander Accuses Russia of 'Buffoonery in the Air' in Syria (VOA).


Anonymous said...

I cannot call it russian civil war at all it is a clown show.

fazman said...

Then when US did clash with Wagner it was a cake walk

Anonymous said...

Every day the US forces remain occupying portions of sovereign Syrian territory, who do not want the Americans there, the Americans are committing acts of war. The Americans have no legitimate reasons to be occupying military bases in Syria. I believe the Russians are in Syria at the invitation of the Syrian government. Therefore, there is a big difference. I have heard the American's are occupying oil producing facilities and stealing the oil produced. This is criminal behavior.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn’t of ended well for Russia