Sunday, June 25, 2023

Polish Officer Explains What It Is Like To Train Ukranian Recruits

WNU Editor: A sobering video that runs contrary to the main stream media's narrative on the progress in training Ukrainian soldiers.


Anonymous said...

Shanghaid raw recruits. I thought the USA & Europe were against kidnapping & slavery? Keep ducking

Anonymous said...

Nothing unusual or new about this. Conscripts in any society and era are prone to lapses in discipline.

Of Prague said...

Yes I concur, conscripts are harder to train due to lack of motivation.

Like I said before.

The "Army of the Unwilling"

At this stage of the war. The patriots, the true believers and their like, are already in the service or dead. Now you get the left overs.

This also dove tails in to the reports that some Leo crews are damaging thier tanks to avoid going into combat and being prime targets for russians being "bonus hunters"

This is not good. If The Ukrainians destroy thier current Tier One Units, this is the type of army they will have left.

best bet , fall back, re group, re fit, wait about 3 of 4 years. Go for the extremely long game.

Ron said...

Of Prague, I agree with the long war strategy.

The US Marine Corp has always been volunteer. But I picked up on the Polish Officer saying that Pols take care of their equipment because they would be held responsible for it. In the Corp, we said prayers that spoke of our guns being what keeps us alive. WE were taught to worship our gun. We take care of it and it takes care of you. Maybe the Pols can instruct their Ukrainian recruits, if you want to live, you gotta take care of your kit. Keep it clean, sighted in and know how to use it.

But, with what the Ukies have left to fight with, probably nothing will work unless they do as you say, pull back, hold and reassess. To begin with, the West needs time to get its war production brought up to speed.

Anonymous said...

Russia won't talk about Russian casualties except to lie, but will talk ad nauseum about Ukrainian casualties.

Ukrainians hesitant to talk about Ukrainian casualties, but talks about Russian casualties.

WNU speaks about Ukrainian problems all the time, but not so much about Russian problems.

Which two of these statements are alike?

WNU did not grow up in the states, so this will go over his head. So far so, it will be like an unseen planetary flyby.

Anonymous said...

Seen this show before.

Goes back to the old days. I dont give a F. What are you gong to do to me? Shave my head and send me back to the Nam?

Screw you.

For some of these guys they would rather do jail time. Crazy but true.

Of Prague said...


This is my Rifle, there are many like it, but this one is mine.....

The mission of the Marine Corps rifle squad is to close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or repel the enemies assault by fire and close combat.

I remember....
Understood and concur.
Semper FI

Anonymous said...

Why send a putrid person such as yourself to Nam or anywhere?

Conscription is as old as mankind, but you want a pass. It must be time for you to raid Klinger's wardrobe.

Anonymous said...


Buddy, You are a knuckle head.

You miss the main point. Read again..... this is many I saw.

The main point is that concription is enlistment by force. When you do that, you get a lot of unwilling and unsuitable people.

Sometimes conscription is not a bad thing. When the nation is cohesive and supports the war, Like WW2.

But what this story shows is that support for the war is no longer 100%. In fact, it shows a dangerous trend.
A very dangerous trend. And due to the losses incurred, it will only get worse. Support for this conflict by the common man is crumbling.

These "non Committed" troops are poisoners, rotten apples that bring every body down.

Not the best way to fight.

Anonymous said...

Ever hear of Game theory?

This is a good example. When everyone follows the rules, the game goes well and functions as it should. When people start cheating and they win , and no one stops them.....

then others see that and start cheating too.

soon all the players see that the game is crooked and all start cheating.

The game ceases to function and it all breaks down

this is why you never support a highly corrupt nation in a conflict. I does not work

Viet Nam

Anonymous said...

You fucked up you list sonny troll

Viet Nam

You mean


Keep it straight you Russian vatnik. Afghanistan was the good war and Iraq was the bad war.

Game theory is a description. It say nothing about morality. They are different games with different rules and thus different strategies and outcomes.

Love those game theory rules. Russia privatized state industries and the oligarchs ended up with all the assets. What game was being played there and what was the theor?

I think little old vatnik would be better deployed to the Donbas instead of trolling.