Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Russian Defense Minister Says Ukraine Preparing To Launch Storm Shadow And HIMARS Missiles On Crimea And Russia

© Sputnik / Russian Defense Ministry  

Daily Mail: Kremlin warns US and Britain will be seen as 'full-fledged' war participants if Storm Shadow and HIMARS missiles are used to hit targets in Crimea or Russia 

* Sergei Shoigu said he would order his forces to target 'decision-making centres' in Ukraine should the western missiles strike Crimea or Russia 

* Threat comes after senior Russian official admitted missiles are causing 'trouble' 

The Kremlin has warned the US and Britain they will be seen as 'full-fledged' participants in the war in Ukraine if Storm Shadow and HIMARS missiles are used to hit targets in Russia or Russian-occupied Crimea. 

Vladimir Putin's defence minister Sergei Shoigu warned he will target 'decision-making centres' in Ukraine - implying he plans to order his military to target Volodymyr Zelensky and his government leaders in Kyiv. 

Shoigu said: 'According to our information, the leadership of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is planning to launch strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation, including Crimea, with HIMARS and Storm Shadow missiles.  

Read more .... 

Russian Defense Minister Says Ukraine Preparing To Launch Storm Shadow And HIMARS Missiles On Crimea And Russia  

Russia’s defense minister: Ukraine plans to hit Crimea with HIMARS and Storm Shadows -- AFP  

Ukraine-Russia war: Ukraine 'planning Storm Shadow attack on Crimea' -- The Telegraph  

DECODED: Russia Threatens To Bomb ‘Western’ Decision-Making Centers In Ukraine Over Storm Shadow, HIMARS Attack -- EurAsian Times  

Kiev planning strike on Russia with Western-made missiles – Moscow -- RT 

Ukraine Plans to Strike at Crimea With Storm Shadow Cruise Missiles – Shoigu -- Sputnik  

Kiev regime planning to strike Crimea with HIMARS rockets, Storm Shadow missiles — Shoigu -- TASS


Of Prague said...

This is war.

For Ukies , yes you target Crimea, ST Pete and Moscow too.

For the Russians: Yes you target all decision making centers.

Question is. Why is the Ukrainian government even in existence and the US Embassy in kiev and Lviv still standing?

The only excuses for the Ukraininans,
considering the above,

is that they have really not had the capability to do so.

Anonymous said...

july 4 big attack 2023

Anonymous said...

usa fools

Anonymous said...

To be frank, Ukraine already attacked Russia numerous times with US equipment, and Russia did nothing but issue more warnings. I suppose Russia either lacks the capacity to strike the West or lacks the will to strike the west. For example, when the US Navy with Finland's assistance destroyed Russia's Nordstream pipeline, Russia did....absolutely nothing. Even though Russia supposedly has the capacity to cut the transatlantic internet cables linking USA to Europe, which would have been an appropriate response, and yet, Russia still did...nothing.

Anonymous said...

Country A is at peace, no matters what its internal problems.

Country B invades A for some reasons that are not very good or persuasive.

that is all we need to know at this point in assessing who did what, when, where and why.

Anonymous said...


You sound like the sheep from Animal Farm, repeating a mantra.

Have you condemned the US in:

Dominican Republic

And more?

If not, then by your own warped simplistic logic,


Anonymous said...

Country A was NOT at peace. With 85k troops lined up in the trenches and waves of car bombs and Tochka missiles flooding into downtown Donetsk in the week before invasion, something had to be done. That is all we need to know.

You're a bad propagandist. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Good. Let’s see a real war for once and not a one sided affair. Tables are going to turn soon hahaha

Anonymous said...

Thank-you! Keep commenting

Anonymous said...

at peace but shelling their own people

fazman said...

On Russia lol

fazman said...

It was at peace, defending itself against Kremlin backed insurgents in UKRANIAN territory

Anonymous said...

Or said more plainly, massacring it's own citizens.

Anonymous said...

Faz. you have a deluded view point