Saturday, June 24, 2023

U.S. Senate To Consider Bill To Declare NATO's Article 5 If Russia's Actions In Ukraine Results In A Nuclear Incident


EurActiv: Nuclear cloud will trigger NATO’s Article 5, US warns Russia 

The US Senate has introduced a resolution which proposes that the actions of Russia, Belarus “or proxy of Russia” be considered as an attack on NATO, if their actions lead to radioactive contamination of the allies’ territory. 

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democrat Richard Blumenthal made the statements at a news conference on Thursday (22 June). While the US has already warned Russia of dire consequences should the Kremlin make use of tactical nuclear weapons, this is the first time that US officials say this also applies if Russia engineers a nuclear accident at a civil nuclear central.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Senators propose resolution threatening war if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine (FOX News)  

Update #2: US Senate proposes that radioactive contamination of NATO territory caused by Russia be considered as attack on Alliance (Ukrayinska Pravda)  

WNU Editor: The US Senate bill is here .... Graham, Blumenthal Introduce Resolution To Address Threat Of Russian Tactical Nukes. 

Check out the above video. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democrat Richard Blumenthal  are laying the groundwork to escalate and expand the Russia - Ukraine war that will involve NATO, including the use of nuclear weapons. That NATO will go to war against Russia even if Russia does not attack them.

Read between the lines. A message/threat is being sent to the Kremlin that if Russia's counter counteroffensive pushes back Ukraine, there will be a nuclear incident that will be blamed on Russia and Russia will be destroyed. 

Bottom line. They are lowering the threshold that will get NATO involved in this war.

This is a profound shift in US policy, and endangers all of us if these US Senators get their way.


Anonymous said...

Nuclear nuclear Nuclear, we've heard this speech since the world is world, it reminds me of the false propaganda while warheads fell on Japan and stayed in South Korea...

Anonymous said...

The us just sent depleted uranium to Ukraine. That should fall under the same category.

Anonymous said...

Is Lindsey Graham the Anti Christ?

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting, very interesting indeed if the stupid yanks frighten Russia & China into a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the USA & Britain. I won't be around to see the results.

fazman said...

Or wnu , perhaps Russia is actually responsible for a nuclear incident or false flag op . This Putin love affair would do cupid oroud

fazman said...

Not at all, that doesn't drift across Europe or incinerate 50 sw km

Anonymous said...

That chip you carry on your shoulder is now making you irrational. Seek help.

Anonymous said...

Read this story and the contention is the wording of Article 5.

It reads party nation will ASSIST not declare war.

Furthermore, Article 11 of the NATO Treaty states that the provisions of the Treaty are to be carried out in accordance with each country’s respective constitutional processes,"

But the other part says that when one is attacked, it shall be considered an attack. ON ALL.

So there is room for interpretation in this regard.
I am not for going to war for Zelinski and his crew of corrupt criminals.

Now, now don't get testy here. They are corrupt and by saying this I am, not pulling for the Russians.

This is about a USA commitment to war. That is the issue. If you want to go nuke for Ukraine and goulash that's fine. But a lot of us think you are nuts. Before 2014 no one cared about the Ukraine. And now you want to create a mad max world to defend it? No I don't think so.

Of Prague said...

Fyi for clarification

"But the other part says that when one is attacked, it shall be considered an attack. ON ALL."

This part refers back to Article 5.
Not part of Article 11.

Anonymous said...

Voice of reason

Anonymous said...

Must be nice having the Epstein clique handle all your electioneering and fundraising. Leaves one with much more time to come up with legislative traps that remove debate and analysis from foreign policy decisions.