Saturday, June 17, 2023

Was A Ukrainian Assault Battalion Completely Wiped Out In One Battle Today?

WNU Editor: According to the sources that I trust there was heavy fighting along the entire front today. Apparently the Ukraine Army made the decision to throw everything into the assault, and while some gains were made, the consensus that I am reading is that the casualties that Ukraine experienced today makes it the bloodiest day for the Ukraine military since the start of the war. 

Apparently what worked against the Ukraine army in today's assault was that the skies were clear, perfect conditions for Russian drones and attack helicopters to go into action. 

I hope all of these reports are false. And this is nothing but "fog of war". But if this disaster did happen today, expect a lot of videos being posted by the Russian Ministry of Defense in the next day or two.


Of Prague. said...

If this is true....what stupidity...welcome to Ypres.
Hopefully this is a b.s. report.

Anonymous said...

If true you will see photos and videos of the incident a thousand times in all angles just like the recent few blown out ukrainian tanks.

Another fake news

Anonymous said...

No, if true, you will see little to no reporting of this in the western media.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous reasoning if true no western media laughable. But russian will post the evidence just like what they did the past days blowing ukrainian equipments.

Anonymous said...

Really? Are you implying that the western news establishments do not ignore stories they do not like or do not fit thier narritive?

Anonymous said...

10:52 no proof from russian side it is a fake.

Case close no need to comment back.

Anonymous said...

It is your right to distrust the western press, but tell us then what news agencies, tv outlets DO you trust?

Anonymous said...

No one is to be trusted.

Logical question: then how do you get your news.

Said before... simple logic..
anti thesis

You have to do do 2 things. Read those sources how are mostly right.
That then excludes the Atlantic, NYT ,wpo, NPR etc......
Then you have to triangulate.

Source 1, 2 and 3 say X

Source 8,9 and 10 say Z

Therefore until the truth comes out 10 years from now, you figure the truth is
or some variation of

X and Z

Good hunting

Anonymous said...

Btw after many years in Intel work
I am not joking