Wednesday, August 2, 2023

According To Gallup President Biden's Job Approval Rating Is The Lowest Of All Post WW2 Presidents Except Jimmy Carter

Gallup: Biden Averages 40.7% Job Approval in 10th Quarter 

 * Biden’s 10th-quarter average approval was one point higher than ninth quarter 

* Only Carter’s 10th-quarter average was lower than Biden’s 

* Favorable rating of Biden is 41%; Kamala Harris, 38% 

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Joe Biden’s job approval rating during his 10th quarter in office averaged 40.7%, marking a one-percentage-point uptick from last quarter, which was the lowest of his presidency.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: These low job approval numbers are happening at the same time when all the media focus is on former President Trump. A US economy that has low unemployment numbers, and the appearance that inflation is going down. 

So why the low numbers? 

 I think there is a lot more at play right now. I think most Americans now realize that President Biden has serious cognitive issues that will get worse with time. And then there is the economy. Americans may be working but the cost of living is making a lot of people nervous, and coupled with high interest rates and high debt levels, creating an anxiety level that I have not seen for a long time. And then there are the corruption stories like this one .... Joe Biden Met With Moscow Mayor's Wife Before $3.5 Million Wire To Hunter: Devon Archer (Zero Hedge) and this one .... Devon Archer Spills The Beans: Tells Congress About Shady Burisma Dealings, Joe Biden's "More Than 20" Conversations (Zero Hedge).


Anonymous said...

gert over it. He may be this or that but look at the economy and look at the charges against Trump! Those charges and the indictment are the top story not just right now but in American history. A first: a former president tried to overturn an election in order to stay in office! Now, the charges might not stick, but until such time as the jury decides it remains a top story and issue. To dismiss itprior to the trial is plain silly.

Anonymous said...

A ‘former’ president!? Duh, your an idiot.

Anonymous said...

You indict Joe the father but have shown no evidence that the father actively did something illegal. Why blame the son--assuming he did something illegal--and also the father when you are simply using the old innuendo technique?

Anonymous said...

Media is 90% leftist owned. A huge mistake we made and we are paying a price from genital mutilation of kids to harassment of women by transgenders, safe places, trophy awards, weakened military, bigotry and hatred. And they do this and push it on us to divide us further and rule us - next step is more vaccinations and great reset

Or trial and hang them.
How much longer do we wait? There will be no election 2024 - people will not believe either outcome because again they are manipulating the game. To me, it's over and will get worse if the good people do not stand up to this and make the arrests.

Anonymous said...

40% of Americans approve of that sick, corrupt, demented man? More evidence to support my belief that only Americans with property or assets in excess of $25,000 inflation adjusted dollars should be allowed to vote in the USA.

Anonymous said...

You're funny!!

Anonymous said...

What about your promise??

Anonymous said...

My promises are like Trump's

ps: my promise was for that specific post not for this site.

Anonymous said...

Is the election tomorrow? I thought it was a bit further on and so this is a poll for late June or July. Things change. The other guy might even be found guilty of a bunch of serious crimes and then....?

Anonymous said...

Scholars say the new charges of attempting to overturn the 2020 election pose a unique test for the rule of law and go to the core of the threat to democracy.

Trump has been indicted before. Historians say this time is different.

Anonymous said...

It's always " this time is different" with you, isn't it? Come on you can do much much better, what happened to your " the walls are closing in" oh that was years ago.

Anonymous said...

Really!!?? Try to be more specific, it's not that hard.

Anonymous said...

"Might" love that word.

Anonymous said...

Fact: 3 indictments thus far
fact: another one on the way in Georgia
Fact: a trial in one place by Trump appointed Judge; another with Biden appointed judge.
Fact: a jury of American citizens will decide guilty or not guilty and NOT those commenting on this site before a trial has even taken place.
Fact: Jack Smith, special counsel, in charge, is independent of Biden Attorney Gen. He was appointed when both Biden and Trump declared they are or will be candidates to keep the investigation nonpartisan.
fact:X put aside your biases. Trump is presumed innocent until the trials all take place and verdict rendered.

Anonymous said...

Remember what you said, lololololololol!

Anonymous said...

"NOT those commenting on this site" so it's free speech for you and not anyone else, you're a classic.

Anonymous said...

I know you are but what am I?

Anonymous said...

You are obvious!