Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Are The 'Hawks' Now In Control Of The Biden Administration's Foreign Policy?

Caitlin Johnstone: More Warmongers Elevated In The Biden Administration 

The Biden administration looks set to become even more warlike than it already was if you can imagine, with virulent Russia hawk Victoria Nuland and virulent China hawk Charles Q Brown now being elevated to lofty positions by the White House. 

The Biden administration looks set to become even more warlike than it already was if you can imagine, with virulent Russia hawk Victoria Nuland and virulent China hawk Charles Q Brown now being elevated to lofty positions by the White House. 

Nuland, the wife of alpha neocon Robert Kagan, has been named acting deputy secretary of state by President Biden, at least until a new deputy secretary has been named. This places her at second in command within the State Department, second only to Tony Blinken. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I see the elevation of Victoria Nuland to the second top post in the US State Department as a sign that the Biden administration have not given up on their dream of achieving regime change in Russia. 

As for the appointment of Gen. Charles Q. Brown to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. This is a signal that the Pentagon is going to be focused on what they see is the emerging threat of China.


Anonymous said...

This feels like a question from the Obama era, when these people still had to convince him of their harebrained schemes in order to receive funding. Under Biden these people have been at the drivers seat the whole time.

Anonymous said...


Bob the impaler said...

She is a troublemaker, and its best to let her go to a think tank rather than make policy.

Anonymous said...

This anti-democratic anti-peace witch/straight-up demon from hell is already responsible for countless war crimes, including the bombing of the pipeline.
That sabotage of the pipeline, greenlit and planned by people like her (and on record announcing it will happen), cost just Germany alone TRILLIONS and will cause havoc over the next years, if not decades, to the European economy

Already today we have about 20% people at the poverty line in Europe. The pipeline will push us close to 30%, which in itself is detablizing Europe and might move us closer to war on the continent.

This "lady" might be a demon from hell for real, all she does is inflict misery on humans - at every level and in every country. Who does that but a demon?

Anonymous said...

my ex wife a trouble maker. show us the wars she started

Anonymous said...

Biden Spoke With Hunter Biden’s Associates Repeatedly, Devon Archer Testifies
read to find out what he says under oath

Anonymous said...

11:10 is right.

That is why they wanted demented Joe in the white house.

They can do as they want because there isn one to supervise them since the president of the USA is an incoherent zombie.

Anonymous said...

^^^and Trump? He tried to steal the election when it had been won by Biden and is about to be charged with stealing, concealing classified documents. And the other 5 or 6 charges, such as NY lying and playing with finances? and the Stormy charges, ie rape and money etc etc Your Mr innocent is a thief and a liar and a serial sexual abuser.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

😂 laughing at you not even part of the article

Anonymous said...

I'm not a religious fellow but this is looking pretty much like the End of Days to me....

Anonymous said...

YES, That is what is should, and does look like the you put monsters in positions or power. It will get worse until it breaks. Then we get to start again.

The corpse is on life support. Nulland is an example of the zombie virus that keeps the corps in motion..

Sick, but true